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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Freitas, R.O., Maia, F.C.B., Deneke, C., Moreno, T., Dumas, P., Westfahl, H., Petroff, Y. "Infrared Nanospectroscopy at the LNLS: Current Status and Ongoing Developments" Synchrotron Radiation News., 30(4): 24-30. (2017).
Kamel, G., Lefrançois, S., Al-Najdawi, M., Abu-Hanieh, T., Saleh, I., Momani, Y., Dumas, P. "EMIRA: The Infrared Synchrotron Radiation Beamline at SESAME" Synchrotron Radiation News., 30(4): 8-10. (2017).
Yousef, I., Ribó, L., Crisol, A., Šics, I., Ellis, G., Ducic, T., Kreuzer, M., BensenyCases, N., Quispe, M., Dumas, P., Lefrançois, S., Moreno, T., García, G., Ferrer, S., Nicolas, J., Aranda, M.A.G. "MIRAS: The Infrared Synchrotron Radiation Beamline at ALBA" Synchrotron Radiation News., 30(4): 4-6. (2017).
Hordeaux, J., Dubreil, L., Robveille, C., Deniaud, J., Pascal, Q., Dequéant, B., Pailloux, J., Lagalice, L., Ledevin, M., Babarit, C., Costiou, P., Jamme, F., Fusellier, M., Mallem, Y., Ciron, C., Huchet, C., Caillaud, C., Colle, M.A. "Long-term neurologic and cardiac correction by intrathecal gene therapy in Pompe disease" Acta Neuropathologica Communications., 5: art.n° 66. (2017).
Toplak, M., Birarda, G., Read, S., Sandt, C., Rosendahl, S.M., Vaccari, L., Demšar, J., Borondics, F. "Infrared Orange: Connecting Hyperspectral Data with Machine Learning" Synchrotron Radiation News., 30(4): 40-45. (2017).
Peinado, A., Kildemo, M., Aas, L.M.S., Martella, C., Giordano, M.C., Chiappe, D., Buatier de Mongeot, F., Borondics, F., Garcia-Caurel, E. "IR-Mueller matrix ellipsometry of self-assembled nanopatterned gold grid polarizer" Applied Surface Science., 421(Part B): 728-737. (2017).
Lardner, M.J., Tu, K., Barlow, B.C., Rosendahl, S.M., Borondics, F., Burgess, I.J. "Quantitative analysis of electrochemical diffusion layers using synchrotron infrared radiation" Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry., 800: 184-189. (2017).
Miranda-Medina, M., Garcia-Caurel, E., Peinado, A., Stchakovsky, M., Hingerl, K., Ossikovski, R. "Experimental Validation of the Partial Coherence Model in Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Mueller Matrix Polarimetry" Applied Surface Science., 421(Part B): 656-662. (2017).
Kelley, C.S., Thompson, S.M., Gilks, D., Sizeland, J., Lari, L., Lazarov, V.K., Matsuzaki, K., LeFrançois, S., Cinque, G., Dumas, P. "Spatially Resolved Variations in Reflectivity Across Iron Oxide Thin Films" Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials., 441: 743-749. (2017).
André, W., Sandt, C., Nondier, I., Djian, P., Hoffner, G. "The inclusions of R6/2 mice are not amyloid and differ structurally from those of Huntington disease brain" Analytical Chemistry., 89(10): 5201–5209. (2017).