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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Rouchon, V., Bleton, J., Burgaud, C., Janssens, K., Refait, P., Wattiaux, A. "Étude du vieillissement naturel de papiers imprégnés d’encres ferrogalliques" Techné - La revue du Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France., Hors Série - Programme national de recherche sur la connaissance et la conservation des matériaux du patrimoine: 60-67. (2008).
Thrower, J.D., Collings, M.P., McCoustra, M.R.S., Burke, D.J., Brown, W.A., Dawes, A., Holtom, P.D., Kendall, P., Mason, N. J., Jamme, F., Fraser, H.J., Clark, I.P., Parker, A.W. "Surface science investigations of photoprocesses in model interstellar ices" Journal of vacuum Science & Technology A., 26(4): 919-924. (2008).
Dumas, P. "New Challenges in Biology and Medicine with Synchrotron Infrared Light" Paper presented at the International Symposium on Breaking Frontiers: Submicron Structures in Physics and Biology - 52 Zakopane School of Physics 19-24 May 2008. (2008).
Chio-Srichan, S., Refregiers, M., Jamme, F., Kascakova, S., Rouam, V., Dumas, P. "Photosensitizer effects on cancerous cells: A combined study using synchrotron infrared and fluorescence microscopies" Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects., 1780(5): 854-860. (2008).
Thrower, J.D., Burke, D.J., Collings, M.P., Dawes, A., Holtom, P.D., Jamme, F., Kendall, P., Brown, W.A., Clark, I.P., Fraser, H.J., McCoustra, M.R.S., Mason, N. J., Parker, A.W. "Desorption of hot molecules from photon irradiated interstellar ices" Astrophysical Journal., 673(2): 1233-1239. (2008).
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Susini, J., Cotte, M., Scheidt, K., Chubar, O., Polack, F., Dumas, P., "The FTIR spectro microscopy end-station at the ESRF-ID21 beamline" Synchrotron Radiation News., 20(5): 13-16. (2007).
Otto, A., Lilie, P., Dumas, P., Hirschmugl, C., Pilling, M., Williams, G.P. "Anisotropic electric surface resistance of Cu(110)" New Journal of Physics., 9(8): art.n° 288. (2007).
Grant, K., Ingrin, J., Lorand, J.P., Dumas, P. "Water partitioning between mantle minerals from peridotite xenoliths" Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology., 154(1): 15-34. (2007).
Szczerbowska-Boruchowska, M., Dumas, P., Chwiej, J., Lankosz, M., Adamek, D., Krygowska-Wajs, A. "Biomolecular investigation of human substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease by synchrotron radiation Fourier transform infrared micro spectroscopy" Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics., 459(2): 241-248. (2007).