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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Brunyánszki, A., Szántó, M., Fodor, K., Sandt, C., Dumas, P., Bai, P. "Investigation of protein acetylation and poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy" Biokemia., 35(3): 22. (2011).
Salvadó, N., Butía, S., Pradell, T. "The role of microspectroscopy techniques in the study of historic artworks" Spectroscopy Europe., 22(6): 16-19. (2010).
Ellis, G., Santoro, G., Gomez, M.A., Marco, C. "Synchrotron IR microspectroscopy: Opportunities in polymer science" IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering., 14: art.n° 012019. (2010).
Véchambre, C., Buléon, A., Chaunier, L., Jamme, F., Lourdin, D. "Macromolecular Orientation in Glassy Starch Materials That Exhibit Shape Memory Behavior" Macromolecules., 43(23): 9854–9858. (2010).
Hughes, C., Liew, M., Sachdeva, A., Bassan, P., Dumas, P., Hart, C.A., Brown, M.D., Clarke, N.W., Gardner, P. "SR-FTIR spectroscopy of renal epithelial carcinoma side population cells displaying stem cell-like characteristics" Analyst., 135(12): 3133-3141. (2010).
Le Naour, F. "Imagerie par spectroscopie infrarouge et par des approches multimodales. Applications aux pathologies du foie". Annales de Pathologie., 30(5 supp.1): 58-59. (2010).
Pijanka, J.K., Kumar, D., Dale, T., Yousef, I., Parkes, G., Untereiner, V., Yang, Y., Dumas, P., Collins, D., Manfait, M., Sockalingum, G.D., Forsyth, N.R., Sulé-Suso, J. "Vibrational spectroscopy differentiates between multipotent and pluripotent stem cells" Analyst., 135(12): 3126-3132. (2010).
Echard, J.P., Bertrand, L. "Complementary spectroscopic analyses of varnishes of historical musical instruments" Spectroscopy Europe., 22(2): 12-15. (2010).
Miller, L.M., Dumas, P. "From structure to cellular mechanism with infrared microspectroscopy" Current Opinion in Structural Biology., 20(5): 649-656. (2010).
Pattanasiriwisawa, W., Songsiriritthigul, P., Dumas, P. "Design of the First Infrared Beamline at the Siam Photon Laboratory" Paper presented at the SRI 2009, 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne, Australia, 27 September - 2 October 2009. 1234: 371-374. (2010).