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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
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E.g., 31/01/2025
Carvajal, J.J., Ciatto, G., Mateos, X., Schmidt, A., Griebner, U., Petrov, V., Boulon, G., Brenier, A., Peña, A., Pujol, M.C., Aguiló, M., Díaz, F. "Broad emission band of Yb3+ in the nonlinear Nb:RbTiOPO4 crystal: origin and applications" Optics Express., 18(7): 7228–7242. (2010).
Cantin,S., Pralta, S., Fontaine, P., Goldmann, M., Perrot, F. "Evolution toward the X Phase of Fatty Acid Langmuir Monolayers on a Divalent Cation Solution" Langmuir., 26(2): 830-837. (2010).
Ciatto, G., Fiorini, A.L., Amadori, S., Pasquini, L., Solari, P.L., De Panfilis, S., Bonetti, E. "Crystallography of CuZnAl Austenite via combined XANES, EXAFS and XRD Analysis" Acta Crystallographica A., 65(Supp): s 200. (2009).
Ciatto, G., Boscherini, F., Amore Bonapasta, A., Filippone, F., Polimeni, A., Capizzi, M., Berti, M., Bisognin, G., De Salvador, D., Floreano, L., Martelli, F., Rubini, S., Grenouillet, L. "Local structure of nitrogen-hydrogen complexes in dilute nitrides" Physical Review B., 79(16): art.n° 165205. (2009).
Fontaine, P., Fauré, M.C., Remita, S., Muller, F., Goldmann, M. "X-ray surface radiolysis: Kinetics of the metal-organic interface formation" European Physical Journal.-Special Topics., 167(1): 157-162. (2009).
Carvajal, J.J., Ciatto, G., Peña, A., Pujol, M.C., Gavaldà, J., Díaz, F., Aguiló, M. "Lattice location and short range ordering of doping ions in RbTiOPO4" Applied Physics Letters., 94(6): art.n° 061908. (2009).
Boscherini, F., De Salvador, D., Bisognin, G., Ciatto, G. "New opportunities to study defects by soft X-ray absorption fine structure" Solid State Phenomena., 131-133: 473-478. (2008).
Ciatto, G., Young, E.C., Glas, F., Chen, J., Alonso Mori, R., Tiedje, T. "Spatial correlation between Bi atoms in dilute GaAs1-xBix: From random distribution to Bi pairing and clustering" Physical Review B., 78(3): art.n° 035325. (2008).
Ciatto, G., Solari, P.L., De Panfilis, S., Fiorini, A.L., Amadori, S., Pasquini, L., Bonetti, E. "Atomic ordering in CuZnAl shape memory alloys investigated via x-ray absorption and diffraction" Applied Physics Letters., 92(24): art.n° 241903. (2008).
Bihler, C., Ciatto, G., Huebl, H., Martinez-Criado, G., Klar, P.J., Volz, K., Stolz, W., Schoch, W., Limmer, W., Filippone, F., Amore Bonapasta, A., Brandt, M.S. "Local structure of Mn in hydrogenated Ga1-xMnxAs" Physical Review B., 78(23): art.n° 235208. (2008).