Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Ciatto, G., Di Trolio, A., Fonda, E., Amidani, L., Boscherini, F., Thomasset, M., Alippi, P., Amore Bonapasta, A. "Influence of the surface structure on the magnetic properties of Zn1-xCoxO" Applied Physics Letters., 101(25): art.n° 252101. (2012).
De Lucca, M., Pettinari, G., Ciatto, G., Amidani, L., Filippone, F., Polimeni, A.., Fonda, E., Boscherini, F., Amore Bonapasta, A., Giubertoni, D., Knübel, A., Lebedev, V., Capizzi, M. "Identification of four-hydrogen complexes in In-rich InxGa1-xN (x>0.4) alloys using photoluminescence, x-ray absorption, and density functional theory" Physical Review B., 86(20): art.n° 201202. (2012).
Amidani, L., Filippone, F., Amore Bonapasta, A., Ciatto, G., Lebedev, V., Knübel, A., Boscherini, F. "X-ray absorption spectra of InxGa1-xN alloys with insight from atom-specific simulations" Physical Review B., 86(15): art.n° 155211. (2012).
Bardin, L., Faure, M.C., Limage, D., Chevallard, C., Konovalov, O., Filipe, E.J.M., Waton, G., Krafft, M.P., Goldmann, M., Fontaine, P. "Long Range Nanometer Scale Organization of Semi-Fluorinated Alkane Monolayers at the Air/Water Interface" Langmuir., 27(22): 13497–13505. (2011).
Ciatto, G., Alippi, P., Amore Bonapasta, A., Tiedje, T. "How much room for BiGa heteroantisites in GaAs1-xBix?" Applied Physics Letters., 99(14): art.n° 141912. (2011).
Ciatto, G., Di Trolio, A., Fonda, E., Alippi, P., Testa, A.M., Amore Bonapasta, A. "Evidence of Cobalt-Vacancy Complexes in Zn1-xCoxO Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors" Physical Review Letters., 107(12): art.n° 127206. (2011).
Ciatto, G., Thomasset, M., Glas, F., Lu, X., Tiedje, T. "Formation and vanishing of short range ordering in GaAs1-xBix thin films" Physical Review B., 82(20): art.n° 201304. (2010).
Bardin, L., Faure, M.C., Filipe, E.J.M., Fontaine, P., Goldmann, M. "Highly organized crystalline monolayer of a semi-fluorinated alkane on a solid substrate obtained by spin-coating" Thin Solid Films., 519(1): 414-416. (2010).
Chen, J., Ciatto, G., Le Du, M., Harmand, J.C., Glas, F. "Local structure of indium in quinary (InGa)(AsSbN)/GaAs quantum wells" Physical Review B., 82(12): art.n° 125303. (2010).
Di Trolio, A., Testa, A.M., Fiorani, D., Alippi, P., Amore Bonapasta, A., Veroli, C., Ciatto, G., Fonda, E. "Magnetic and X-ray absorption investigations of Co-doped ZnO films" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 200: art.n° 072025. (2010).