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E.g., 07/03/2025
Löffler, S., Ennen, I., Tian, F., Schattschneider, P., Jaouen, N. "Breakdown of the dipole approximation in core losses" Ultramicroscopy., 111(8): 1163-1167. (2011).
Swaraj, S., Wang, C., Yan, H., Watts,, Lüning, J., McNeill, C.R., Ade, H. "Nanomorphology of Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Thin Films Probed with Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering" Nano Letters., 10(8): 2863-2869. (2010).
Sacchi, M., Marangolo, M., Spezzani, C., Breitwieser, R., Popescu, H., Delaunay, R., Rache Salles, B, Eddrief, M., Etgens, V. H. "Thermal switching of the magnetization in an iron film on a magnetically active template MnAs/GaAs(001)" Physical Review B., 81(22): art.n° 220401. (2010).
Vogel, J., Sacchi, M., Lamberto Duò, Marco Finazzi, Franco Ciccacci "Dichroism in X-ray Absorption for the Study of Antiferromagnetic Materials" In Magnetic Properties of Antiferromagnetic Oxide Materials: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films: 69-97: Wiley VCH, 2010. ISBN: 9783527408818
Jaouen, N., Chiuzbaian, S. G., Hague, C.F., Delaunay, R.., Baumier, C., Lüning, J., Rogalev, A., Schmerber, G., Kappler, J.P. "X-ray magnetic circular dichroism of CeFe2 by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering" Physical Review B., 81(18): art.n° 180404. (2010).
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Vidal, F., Spezzani, C., Breitwieser, R., Marangolo, M., Eddrief, M., Sacchi, M., Etgens, V.H. "Tuning the period of elastic MnAs/GaAs(001) a-ß pattern by Fe deposition" Applied Physics Letters., 97(25): art.n° 251914. (2010).
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