Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Spezzani, C., Fortuna, F., Delaunay, R., Popescu, H., Sacchi, M. "X-ray holographic imaging of magnetic order in patterned Co/Pd multilayers" Physical Review B., 88(22): art.n° 224420. (2013).
Perron, J., Anghinolfi, L., Tudu, B., Jaouen, N., Tonnerre, J.M., Sacchi, M., Nolting, F., Lüning, J., Heyderman, L.J. "Extended reciprocal space observation of artificial spin ice with x-ray resonant magnetic scattering" Physical Review B., 88(21): art.n° 214424. (2013).
Pfau, B., Schaffert, S., Müller, L., Gutt, C., Al-Shemmary, A., Büttner, F., Delaunay, R., Düsterer, S., Flewett, S., Frömter, R., Geilhufe, J., Guehrs, E., Günther, C.M., Hawaldar, R., Hille, M., Jaouen, N., Kobs, A., Li, K., Mohanty, J., Redlin, H., Schlotter, W.F., Stickler, D., Treusch, R., Vodungbo, B., Kläui, M., Oepen, H.P., Lüning, J., Grübel, G., Eisebitt, S. "Ultrafast optical demagnetization manipulates nanoscale spin structure in domain walls" Nature Communications., 3: art.n° 1100. (2012).
Elzo, M., Jal, E., O. Bunau, O., Grenier, S., Joly, Y., Ramos, A.Y., Tolentino, H.C.N., Tonnerre, J.M., Jaouen, N. "X-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity of stratified magnetic structures: Eigenwave formalism and application to a W/Fe/W trilayer" Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials., 324(2): 105-112. (2012).
Wang, T., Zhu, D., Wu, B., Graves, C., Schaffert, S., Rander, T., Müller, L., Vodungbo, B., Baumier, C., Bernstein, D.P., Bräuer, B., Cros, V., De Jonge, S., Delaunay, R., Fognini, A., Kukreja, R., Lee, S., López-Flores, V., Mohanty, J., Pfau, B., Popescu, H., Sacchi, M., Sardinha, A.B., Sirotti, F., Zeitoun, P., Messerschmidt, M., Turner, J.J., Schlotter, W.F., Hellwig, O., Mattana, R., Jaouen, N., Fortuna, F., Acremann, Y., Gutt, C., Dürr, H.A., Beaurepaire, E., Boeglin, C., Eisebitt, S., Grübel, G., Lüning, J., Stöhr, J., Scherz, A.O. "Femtosecond Single-Shot Imaging of Nanoscale Ferromagnetic Order in Co=Pd Multilayers Using Resonant X-Ray Holography" Physical Review Letters., 108(26): art.n° 267403. (2012).
Tonnerre, J.M., Bontempi, E., Jaouen, N.E, Elzo, M., Grenier, S., Meyerheim, H.L., Przybylski, M. "Depth-resolved magnetization distribution in ultra thin films by soft X-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity" European Physical Journal.-Special Topics., 208: 177-187. (2012).
Sacchi, M., Spezzani, C., Allaria, E., Ferrari, E., Coreno, M., Marangolo, M., Eddrief, M., Etgens, V. H., De Ninno, G. "Time resolved pump-probe scattering in MnAs/GaAs(001): A look into the dynamics of a-ß stripe domains" Applied Physics Letters., 100(21): art.n° 211905. (2012).
Sacchi, M., Popescu, H., Jaouen, N., Tortarolo, M., Fortuna, F., Delaunay, R., Spezzani, C. "Magnetic imaging by Fourier transform holography using linearly polarized x-rays" Optics Express., 20(9): 9769-9776. (2012).
Moubah, R., Elzo, M., El Moussaoui, S., Colson, D., Jaouen, N., Belkhou, R., Viret, M. "Direct imaging of both ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic domains in multiferroic BiFeO3 single crystal using x-ray photoemission electron microscopy" Applied Physics Letters., 100(4): art.n° 042406. (2012).
Gabas, M., Torelli, P., Barrett, N., Sacchi, M., Bruneval, F., Cui, Y., Simonelli, L., Diaz-Carrasco, P., Ramos Barrado, J.R. "Direct observation of Al-doping-induced electronic states in the valence band and band gap of ZnO films" Physical Review B., 84(15): art.n° 153303. (2011).