Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Günther, S., Spezzani, C., Ciprian, R., Grazioli, C., Ressel, B., Coreno, M., Poletto, L., Miotti, P., Sacchi, M., Panaccione, G., Uhlíř,V., Fullerton,E.E., De Ninno,G., Back, C.H. "Testing spin-flip scattering as a possible mechanism of ultrafast demagnetization in ordered magnetic alloys" Physical Review B., 90(18): art.n° 180407. (2014).
Bugnet, M., Jaouen, M., Mauchamp, V., Cabioc’h, T., Hug, G. "Experimental and first-principles investigation of the electronic structure anisotropy of Cr2AlC" Physical Review B., 90(19): art.n° 195116. (2014).
Belkhou, R., Cinquin, B., Jamme, F., Jaouen, N., Medjoubi, K., Quinkal, I., Vantelon, D., Refregiers, M. "Microscopies synchrotron à SOLEIL" Photoniques., 72: 30-33. (2014).
Chiuzbaian, S. G., Hague, C.F., Avila, A., Delaunay, R., Jaouen, N., Sacchi, M., Polack, F., Thomasset, M., Lagarde, B., Nicolaou, A., Brignolo, S., Baumier, C., Lüning, J., Mariot, J.M. "Design and performance of AERHA, a high acceptance high resolution soft x-ray spectrometer" Review of Scientific Instruments., 85(4): art.n° 043108. (2014).
Jaouen, M., Bugnet, M., Jaouen, N., Ohresser, P., Mauchamp, V., Cabioc’h, T., Rogalev, A. "Experimental evidence of Cr magnetic moments at low temperature in Cr2A(A=Al, Ge)C" Journal of Physics Condensed Matter., 23(17): art.n° 176002. (2014).
Gabás, M., Torelli, P., Barrett, N., Sacchi, M., Ramos Barrado, J.R. "Electronic structure of Al- and Ga-doped ZnO films studied by hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy" APL Materials., 2(1): art.n° 012112. (2014).
Stanescu, S., Mocuta, C., Merlet, F., Barbier, A. "Two-dimensional resonant magnetic soft X-ray scattering set-up for extreme sample environment" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 20(1): 181-189. (2013).
Müller, L., Schleitzer, S., Gutt, C., Pfau, B., Schaffert, S., Geilhufe, J., von Korff Schmising, C., Schneider, M., Günther, C. M., Büttner, F., Capotondi, F., Pedersoli, E., Düsterer, S., Redlin, H., Al-Shemmary, A., Treusch, R., Bach, J., Frömter, R., Vodungbo, B., Gautier, J., Zeitoun, P., Popescu, H., Lopez-Flores, V., Beaulieu, N., Sirotti, F., Jaouen, N., Malinowski, G., Tudu, B., Li, K., Lüning, J., Oepen, H.P., Kiskinova, M., Eisebitt, S., Grübel, G. "Ultrafast Dynamics of Magnetic Domain Structures Probed by Coherent Free-Electron Laser Light" Synchrotron Radiation News., 26(6): 27-32. (2013).
Demaille, D., Patriarche, G., Helman, C., Eddrief, M., Etgens, V. H., Sacchi, M., Llois, A.M., Marangolo, M. "Structure and magnetism of orthorhombic epitaxial FeMnAs." Crystal Growth & Design., 13(10): 4279–4284. (2013).
Chiuzbaian, S.G., Hague, C.F. "High acceptance high resolution soft x-ray grating spectrometer: choice of optical design" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 188: 121-126. (2013).