Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Jal, E., Dąbrowski,M., Tonnerre,J.M., Przybylski,M., Grenier,S., Jaouen, N., J. Kirschner "Noncollinearity of the canted spins across ultrathin Fe films on vicinal Ag surfaces" Physical Review B., 91(21): art.n° 214418. (2015).
Spezzani, C., Ferrari, E., Allaria, E., Vidal, F., Lounis, L., Ciavardini, A., Delaunay, R., Capotondi, F., Pedersoli, E., Coreno, M., Svetina, C., Raimondi, L., Zangrando, M., Ivanov, R., Nikolov, I., Demidovich, A., Danailov, M.B., De Ninno, G., Popescu, H., Eddrief, M., Kiskinova, M., Sacchi, M. "Optically induced Fe magnetization reversal in Fe/MnAs/GaAs(001)" Proceedings of SPIE., 9512: art.n° 95120I . (2015).
Liu, X., Dean, M.P.M., Liu, J., Chiuzbăian, S.G., Jaouen, N., Nicolaou, A., Yin,W.G., Rayan Serrao, C., Ramesh, R., Ding, H., Hill, J.P. "Probing single magnon excitations in Sr2IrO4 using O K-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering" Journal of Physics Condensed Matter., 27(20): art.n° 202202. (2015).
Bergeard, N., Schaffert, S., López-Flores, V., Jaouen, N., Geilhufe, J., Günther, C.M., Schneider, M., Graves, C., Wang, T., Wu, B., Scherz, A., Baumier, C., Delaunay, R., Fortuna, F., Tortarolo, M., Tudu, B., Krupin, O., Minitti, M.P., Robinson, J., Schlotter, W.F., Turner, J.J., Lüning, J., Eisebitt, S., Boeglin, C. "Irreversible transformation of ferromagnetic ordered stripe domains in single-shot infrared-pump/resonant-x-ray-scattering-probe experiments" Physical Review B., 91(5): art.n° 054416. (2015).
Spezzani, C., Vidal, F., Delaunay, R., Eddrief, M., Marangolo, M., Etgens, V. H., Popescu, H., Sacchi, M. "Thermally induced magnetization switching in Fe/MnAs/GaAs(001): selectable magnetic configurations by temperature and field control" Scientific Reports., 5: art.n° 8120. (2015).
Carniato, S., Selles, P., Andric, L., Palaudoux, J., Penent, F., Žitnik, M., Bučar,K., Nakano,M., Hikosaka,Y., Ito, K., Lablanquie, P. "Single photon simultaneous K-shell ionization and K-shell excitation. I. Theoretical model applied to the interpretation of experimental results on H2O" Journal of Chemical Physics., 142(1): art.n° 014307. (2015).
Carniato, S., Selles, P., Andric, L., Palaudoux, J., Penent, F., Žitnik, M., Bučar,K., Nakano,M., Hikosaka,Y., Ito, K., Lablanquie, P. "Single photon simultaneous K-shell ionization and K-shell excitation. II. Specificities of hollow nitrogen molecular ions" Journal of Chemical Physics., 142(1): art.n° 014308. (2015).
Elzo, M., Moubah, R., Blouzon, C., Sacchi, M., Grenier, S., Belkhou, R., Dhesi, S., Colson, D., Torres, F., Kiwi, M., Viret, M., Jaouen, N. "Coupling between an incommensurate antiferromagnetic structure and a soft ferromagnet in the archetype multiferroic BiFeO3/cobalt system" Physical Review B., 91(1): art.n° 014402. (2015).
van Schooneveld, M.M., DeBeer, S. "A close look at dose: Towards L-edge XAS spectral uniformity, dose quantification and prediction of metal ion photoreduction" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 198: 31–56. (2015).
Spezzani, C., Ferrari, E., Allaria, E., Vidal, F., Ciavardini, A., Delaunay, R., Capotondi, F., Pedersoli, E., Coreno, M., Svetina, C., Raimondi, L., Zangrando, D., Ivanov, R., Nikolov, I., Demidovich, A., Danailov, M.B., Popescu, H., Eddrief, M., De Ninno, G., Kiskinova, M., Sacchi, M. "Magnetization and Microstructure Dynamics in Fe/MnAs/GaAs(001): Fe Magnetization Reversal by a Femtosecond Laser Pulse" Physical Review Letters., 113(24): art.n° 247202. (2014).