Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Buzzi, M., Makita, M., Howald, L., Kleibert, A., Vodungbo, B., Maldonado, P., Raabe, J., Jaouen, N., Redlin, H., Tiedtke, K., Oppeneer, P.M., David, C., Nolting, F., Lüning, J. "Single-shot Monitoring of Ultrafast Processes via X-ray Streaking at a Free Electron Laser" Scientific Reports., 7: art.n° 7253. (2017).
Lamirand, A.D., Grenier, S., Ramos, A.Y., De Santis, M., Bailly, A., Mossang, E., Tonnerre, J.M., Testemale, D., Tolentino, H.C.N., Jaouen, N., Soares, M.M., Jamet, M., Proux, O. "Growth and properties of CoO/Fe perpendicular exchange coupled ultra-thin films" Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials., 443: 195-201. (2017).
Hahn, A.W., Van Kuiken, B.E., al Samarai, M., Atanasov, M., Weyhermüller, T., Cui, Y.T., Miyawaki, J., Harada, Y., Nicolaou, A., DeBeer, S. "Measurement of the Ligand Field Spectra of Ferrous and Ferric Iron Chlorides Using 2p3d RIXS" Inorganic Chemistry., 56(14): 8203–8211. (2017).
Khalal, M.A., Lablanquie, P., Andric, L., Palaudoux, J., Penent, F., Bučar,K., Žitnik,M., Püttner,R., Jänkälä,K., Cubaynes,D., Guilbaud,S., Bizau, J.M. "4d-inner-shell ionization of Xe+ ions and subsequent Auger decay" Physical Review A., 96(1): art.n° 013412. (2017).
Tia, M., Pitzer, M., Kastirke, G., Gatzke, J., Kim, H.K., Trinter, F., Rist, J., Hartung, A., Trabert, D., Juliane Siebert, J., Kevin Henrichs, K., Jasper Becht, J., Zeller, S., Gassert, H., Wiegandt, F., Wallauer, R., Kuhlins, A., Schober, C., Bauer, T., Wechselberger, N., Burzynski, P., Neff, J., Weller, M., Metz, D., Kircher, M., Waitz, M., Williams, J.B., Schmidt, L., Müller, A.D., Knie, A., Hans, A., Ben Ltaief, L., Ehresmann, A., Berger, R., Fukuzawa, H., Ueda, K., Schmidt-Boecking, H., Doerner, R., Jahnke, T., Demekhin, P.V., Schöffler, M.S. "Observation of Enhanced Chiral Asymmetries in the Inner-Shell Photoionization of Uniaxially Oriented Methyloxirane Enantiomers" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters., 8(13): 2780–2786. (2017).
Silly, M.G., Ferté, T., Tordeux, M.A., Pierucci, D., Beaulieu, N., Chauvet, C., Pressacco, F., Sirotti, F., Popescu, H., Lopez-Flores, V., Tortarolo, M., Sacchi, M., Jaouen, N., Hollander, P., Ricaud, J.P., Bergeard, N., Boeglin, C., Tudu, B., Delaunay, R., Luning, J., Malinowski, G., Hehn, M., Baumier, C., Fortuna, F., Krizmancic, D., Stebel, L., Sergo, R., Cautero, G. "Pump−probe experiments at the TEMPO beamline using the low-α operation mode of Synchrotron SOLEIL" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 24(4): 886-897. (2017).
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Mazuritskiy, M.I., Dabagov, S.B., Lerer, A.M., Dziedzic-Kocurek, K., Sokolov, A., Coreno, M., Turchini, S., D'Elia, A.
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Rödl, C., Ruotsalainen, K.O., Sottile, F., Honkanen, A.P., Ablett, J.M., Rueff, J.P., Sirotti, F., Verbeni, R., Al-Zein, A., Reining, L., Huotari, S. "Low-energy electronic excitations and band-gap renormalization in CuO" Physical Review B., 95(15): art.n° 195142. (2017).