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Sacchi, M., Marangolo, M., Spezzani, C., Coelho, L.N., Breitwieser, R., Milano, J., Etgens, V. H. "Uniaxial anisotropy and temperature driven magnetization reversal of Fe deposited on a MnAs/GaAs(001) magnetic template" Physical Review B., 77(16): art.n° 165317. (2008).
Panaccione, G., Offi, F., Torelli, P., Vanko, G., Tjernberg, O., Lacovig, P., Guarino, A., Fondacaro, A., Nigro, A., Sacchi, M., Brookes, N.B., Monaco, G. "Analysis of surface-bulk screening competition in the electron-doped Nd2-xCexCuO4 cuprate using x-ray photoemission spectroscopy" Physical Review B., 77(12): art.n° 125133. (2008).
Vavassori, B., Bonanni, V., Busato, A., Gubbiotti, G., Madami, M., Adeyeye, A.O., Goolaup, S., Singh, N., Spezzani, C., Sacchi, M. "Static and dynamical properties of circular NiFe/Cu/Co nanodisks" Journal of Applied Physics., 103(7): art.n° 07C512. (2008).
Jaouen, N., Wilhelm, F., Rogalev, A., Goulon, J., Ortega, J. M., Tonnerre, J.M., Yaresko, A. "Electronic and magnetic interfacial states of Ag in an Ni81Fe19 /Ag coupled multilayer" Journal of Physics Condensed Matter., 20(9): art.n° 095005. (2008).
Hague, C.F., Mariot, J.-M., Ilakovac, V., Delaunay, R., Marsi, M., Sacchi, M., Rueff, J.P., Felsch, W. "Charge transfer at the metal-insulator transition in V2O3 thin films by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering" Physical Review B., 77(4): art.n° 045132. (2008).
Schlotter, W.F., Lüning, J., Rick, R., Chen, K., Scherz, A., Eisebitt, S., Günther, C.M., Eberhardt, W., Hellwig, O., Stöhr, J. "Extended field of view soft x-ray Fourier transform holography: toward imaging ultrafast evolution in a single shot" Optics Letters., 32(21): 3110-3112. (2007).
Bezencenet, O., Barbier, A., Ohresser, P., Belkhou, R., Stanescu, S., Owens, J., Guittet, M.J. "Interfacial reactivity of magnetic exchange coupled Co/alpha-Fe2O3(0 0 0 1) interfaces" Surface Science., 601(18): 4321-4325. (2007).
Jaouen, N., Babonneau, D., Tonnerre, J.M., Carbone, D., Wilhelm, F., Rogalev, A., Johal, T.K., Van der Laan, G. "Spin and orbital magnetic moments in carbon-encapsulated Fe50Pt50 nanoparticles" Physical Review B., 76(10): art.n° 104421. (2007).
Gaudry, E., Cabaret, D., Brouder, C., Letard, I., Rogalev, A., Wilhelm, F., Jaouen, N., Sainctavit, P. "Relaxations around the substitutional chromium site in emerald: X-ray absorption experiments and density functional calculations" Physical Review B., 76(9): art.n° 094110. (2007).
Offi, F., Werner, W. S. M., Sacchi, M., Torelli, P., Cautero, M., Cautero, G., Fondacaro, A., Huotari, S., Monaco, G., Paolicelli, G., Smekal, W., Stefani, G., Panaccione, G. "Comparison of hard and soft x-ray photoelectron spectra of silicon" Physical Review B., 76(8): art.n° 085422. (2007).