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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
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E.g., 18/01/2025
Chauleau, J.Y., Legrand, W., Reyren, N., Maccariello, D., Collin, S., Popescu, H., Bouzehouane, K., Cros, V., Jaouen, N., Fert, A. "Chirality in Magnetic Multilayers Probed by the Symmetry and the Amplitude of Dichroism in X-Ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering" Physical Review Letters., 120(3): art.n° 037202. (2018).
Desjardins, K., Popescu, H., Mercère, P., Menneglier, C., Gaudemer, R., Thånell, K., Jaouen, N. "Characterization of a back-illuminated CMOS camera for soft x-ray coherent scattering" AIP Conference Proceedings., 2054: art.n° 060066. (2019).
Lounis, L., Eddrief, M., Sacchi, M., Vidal, F. "Layer-sensitive magneto-optical Kerr effect study of magnetization reversal in Fe/MnAs/GaAs(001)" Applied Physics Letters., 111(23): art.n° 232403. (2017).
Lounis, L., Zheng, Y., Spezzani, C., Ferrari, E., Edrrief, M., Ciavardini, A., Popescu, H., Allaria, E., Laulhe, C., Vidal, F., Sacchi, M. "Dynamics of Laser-Induced Magnetostructural Phase Transitions in MnAs/GaAs (001) Epitaxial Layers" IEEE Transactions on magnetics., 53(11): art.n° 8205004. (2017).
Ilakovac, V., Carniato, S., Foury-Leylekian, P., Tomić,S., Pouget,J.P., Lazić,P., Joly,Y., Miyagawa, K., Kanoda,K., Nicolaou, A. "Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering probes the electron-phonon coupling in the spin liquid κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu2(CN)3" Physical Review B., 96(18): art.n° 184303. (2017).
Feng, J., Juhin, A., Delaunay, R., Jarrier, R., Jaouen, N., Nicolaou, A., Sinclair, R., Zhou, H., Mariot, J.M., Chiuzbăian, S.G. "Crystal-field excitations in multiferroic TbMnO3 by Mn L3L3 and O K resonant inelastic X-ray scattering" Journal of Applied Physics., 122(19): art.n° 194101 . (2017).
Chiuzbăian,S.G., Brignolo,S., Hague,C.F., Delaunay,R., Guarise,M., Nicolaou,A., Yang,Z., Zhou,H., Mariot, J.M. "Spectroscopic Evidence for Superexchange in the Ferrimagnetic Spinel FeCr2S4" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 121(40): 22369–22376. (2017).
O’Shea, J.N., Handrup, K., Temperton, R.H., Gibson, A.J., Nicolaou, A., Jaouen, N. "Exploring ultra-fast charge transfer and vibronic coupling with N 1s RIXS maps of an aromatic molecule coupled to a semiconductor" Journal of Chemical Physics., 147(13): art.n° 134705. (2017).
Reyren, N., Bouzehouane, K., Chauleau, J.Y., Collin, S., Fert, A., Finizio, S., Garcia, K., Hughes, S., Jaouen, N., Legrand, W., Maccariello, D., McFadzean, S., McVitie, S., Moutafis, C., Popescu, H., Raabe, J., Vaz, C.A.F., Cros, V. "Skyrmions in magnetic multilayers: chirality, electrical detection and current-induced motion" Proceedings of SPIE., 10357: art.n° 1035724 . (2017).
Gross, I., Akhtar, W., Garcia, V., Martinez, L.J., Chouaieb, S., Garcia, K., Barthélémy, A., Appel, P., Maletinsky, P., Kim, J.V., Chauleau, J.Y., Jaouen, N., Viret, M., Bibes, M., Fusil, S., Jacques, V. "Real-space imaging of non-collinear antiferromagnetic order with a single-spin magnetometer" Nature., 549(7671): 252–256. (2017).