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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Legros, S., Chaurand, P., Rose, J., Masion, A., Briois, V., Ferrasse, J.H., Saint Macary, H., Bottero, J.Y., Doelsch, E. "Investigation of Copper Speciation in Pig Slurry by a Multitechnique Approach" Environmental Science & Technology., 44(18): 6926–6932. (2010).
Cargnello, M., Gentilini, C., Montini, T., Fonda, E., Mehraeen, S., Chi, M., Herrera-Collado, M., Browning, N.D., Polizzi, S., Pasquato, L., Fornasiero, P. "Active and Stable Embedded Au@CeO2 Catalysts for Preferential Oxidation of CO" Chemistry of Materials., 22(14): 4335–4345. (2010).
Ambroise, E., Courson, C., Roger, A.C., Kiennemann, A., Blanchard, G., Rousseau, S., Carrier, X., Marceau, E., La Fontaine, C., Villain, F. "Exhaust gas recirculation for on-board hydrogen production by isooctane reforming: Comparison of performances of metal/ceria–zirconia based catalysts prepared through pseudo sol–gel or impregnation methods" Catalysis Today., 154(1-2): 133-141. (2010).
Di Trolio, A., Testa, A.M., Fiorani, D., Alippi, P., Amore Bonapasta, A., Veroli, C., Ciatto, G., Fonda, E. "Magnetic and X-ray absorption investigations of Co-doped ZnO films" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 200: art.n° 072025. (2010).
Cespedes, E., Babonneau, D., Lyon, O., Sanchez-Marcos, J., Rouziere, S., Prieto, C., Olivi, L., Traverse, A. "Characterization of two dimensional self-organized Au nanoparticles embedded in Si3N4" Journal of Applied Physics., 107(10): art.n° 104306. (2010).
Zlotea, C., Cuevas, F., Paul-Boncour, V., Leroy, E., Dibandjo, P., Gadiou, R., Vix-Guterl, C., Latroche, M. "Size-Dependent Hydrogen Sorption in Ultrasmall Pd Clusters Embedded in a Mesoporous Carbon Template" Journal of the American Chemical Society., 132(22): 7720–7729. (2010).
Thomasset, M., Moreno, T., Capitanio, B., Idir, M., Bucourt, S. "In-situ metrology for the optimization of bent crystals used in hard-X-ray monochromators: Comparison between measurement and simulation" Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., 616(2-3): 197-202. (2010).
Leriche, J.B., Hamelet, S., Shu, J., Morcrette, M., Masquelier, C., Ouvrard, G., Zerrouki, M., Soudan, P., Belin, S., Elkaïm, E., Baudelet, F. "An Electrochemical Cell for Operando Study of Lithium Batteries Using Synchrotron Radiation" Journal of the Electrochemical Society., 157(5): A606-A610. (2010).
Stötzel, J., Lützenkirchen-Hecht, D., Frahm, R., Santilli, C. V., Pulcinelli, S. H., Kaminski, R.C., Fonda, E., Villain, F., Briois, V. "QEXAFS and UV/Vis Simultaneous Monitoring of the TiO2-Nanoparticles Formation by Hydrolytic Sol-Gel Route" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 114(14): 6228–6236. (2010).
Molina, E.F., Pulcinelli, S. H., Santilli, C. V., Blanchandin, S., Briois, V. "Controlled Cisplatin Delivery from Ureasil-PEO1900 Hybrid Matrix" Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 114(10): 3461–3466. (2010).