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Itié, J.P., Baudelet, F., Congeduti, A., Couzinet, B., Farges, F., Polian, A. "High pressure x-ray absorption spectroscopy at lower energy in the dispersive mode: application to Ce and FePO4" Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter., 17(11): S883-S888. (2005).
Pratesi, G., DiCicco, A., Minicucci, M., Itié, J.P. "Anomalies in the structure of solid Cd under pressure: an x-ray diffraction study" Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter., 17(17): 2625-2632. (2005).
San-Miguel, A., Merlen, A., Toulemonde, P., Kume, T., LeFloch,S., Aouizerat, A., Pascarelli, S., Aquilanti, G., Mathon, O., LeBihan, T., Itié, J.P., Yamanaka, S. "Pressure-induced homothetic volume collapse in silicon clathrates" Europhysics Letters., 69(4): 556-562. (2005).
Duman, E., Acet, M., Hülser, T., Wassermann, E. F., Itié, J.P., Baudelet, F., Mathon, O., Pascarelli, S. "Magnetic Instabilities in Fe3C Cementite Particles Observed with Fe K-Edge X-Ray Circular Dichroism under Pressure" Physical Review Letters., 94(7): art.n° 075502. (2005).
Campos, C.E.M., de Lima, J.C., Grandi, T.A., Machado, K.D., Itié, J.P., Polian, A. "EXAFS and Raman studies of mechanical alloyed Ni25Se75 mixture under high-pressure conditions" Journal of Solid State Chemistry., 178(1): 93-99. (2005).
Pellicer-Porres, J., Martinez-Garcia, D., Ferrer-Roca, C., Segura, A., Munoz-Sanjosé, V., Itié, J.P., Polian, A., Munsch, P. "High-pressure phase diagram of ZnSexTe1–x alloys" Physical Review B., 71(3): art.n° 035210. (2005).
Mathon, O., Baudelet, F., Itié, J.P., Polian, A., D'Astuto, M., Chervin, J.C., Pascarelli, S. "Dynamics of the magnetic and structural alpha-epsilon phase transition in iron" Physical Review Letters., 93(25): art.n° 255503. (2004).
Mathon, O., Baudelet, F., Itié, J.P., Pasternak, S., Polian, A., Pascarelli, S. "XMCD under pressure at the FeK edge on the energy-dispersive beamline of the ESRF" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 11(5): 423-427. (2004).
Majérus, O., Cormier, L., Itié, J.P., Galoisy, L., Neuville, D.R., Calas, G. "Pressure induced Ge coordination change and polyamorphism in SiO2-GeO2 glasses" Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids., 345-346: 34-38. (2004).
Campos, C.E.M., de Lima, J.C., Grandi, T.A., Machado, K.D., Itié, J.P., Polian, A. "Pressure-induced effects on the structural properties of iron selenides produced by mechano-synthesis" Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter., 16(47): 8485-8490. (2004).