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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Coutard, B., Barral, K., Lichière, J., Selisko, B., Martin, B., Aouadi, W., Ortiz Lombardia, M., Debart, F., Vasseur, J.J., Guillemot, J.C., Canard, B., Decroly, E. "The Zika virus methyltransferase: structure and functions for drug design perspectives" Journal of Virology., 91(5): art.n° e02202-16. (2017).
Sula, A., Booker, J., Ng, L.C.T., Naylor, C.E., DeCaen, P.G., Wallace, B. A. "The complete structure of an activated open sodium channel" Nature Communications., 8: art.n° 14205 . (2017).
Bodra, N., Young, D., Astolfi Rosado, L., Pallo, A., Wahni, K., De Proft, F., Huang J., Van Breusegem, F., Messens, J. "Arabidopsis thaliana dehydroascorbate reductase 2: Conformational flexibility during catalysis" Scientific Reports., 7: art.n° 42494 . (2017).
Cao, L., Cantos-Fernandes, S., Gigant, B. "The structural switch of nucleotide-free kinesin" Scientific Reports., 7: art.n° 42558. (2017).
Comino, N., Cifuente, J., Marina, A., Orrantia, A., Eguskiza, A., Guerin, M.E. "Mechanistic insights into the allosteric regulation of bacterial ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylases". Journal of Biological Chemistry., on line first (24/02/2017): (2017).
Lisa, M.N., Wagner, T., Alexandre, M., Barilone, N., Raynal, B., Alzari, P.M., Bellinzoni, M. "The crystal structure of PknI from Mycobacterium tuberculosis shows an inactive, pseudokinase-like conformation" FEBS Journal., 284(4): 602–614. (2017).
Guzenko, D., Chernyatina, A.A., Strelkov, S.V. "Crystallographic Studies of Intermediate Filament Proteins". In Fibrous Proteins: Structures and Mechanisms: 151-170: Springer, 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-49672-6
Robert-Paganin, J., Halladjian, M., Blaud, M., Lebaron, S., Delbos, L., Chardon, F., Capeyrou, R., Humbert, O., Henry, Y., Henras, A.K., Réty, S., Leulliot, N. "Functional link between DEAH/RHA helicase Prp43 activation and ATP base binding" Nucleic Acids Research., 45(3): 1539-1552. (2017).
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Reyes, N., Canul Tec, J.C., Assal, R., Cirri, E., Legrand, P., Brier, S., Chamot-Rooke, J. "Novel Molecular Mechanism of Excitatory Neurotransmitter Transport Inhibition" Biophysical Journal., 112(3 supp. 1): 13a. (2017).