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E.g., 07/03/2025
Benabderrahmane, C., Valléau, M., Ghaith, A., Berteaud, P., Chapuis, L., Marteau, F., Briquez, F., Marcouillé, O., Marlats, J.L., Tavakoli, K., Mary, A., Zerbib, D., Lestrade, A., Louvet, M., Brunelle, P., Medjoubi, K., Herbeaux , C., Béchu, N., Rommeluere, P., Somogyi, A., Chubar, O., Kitegi, C.A., Couprie, M. E. "Development and operation of a Pr2Fe14B based cryogenic permanent magnet undulator for a high spatial resolution x-ray beam line" Physical Review Accelerators & Beams., 20(3): art.n° 033201. (2017).
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Bazin, D., Letavernier, E., Haymann, J.P., Méria, P., Daudon, M. "La place de la physicochimie en urologie et en néphrologie : le bilan de 10 ans de collaboration entre physiciens, chimistes et praticiens hospitaliers" Progrès en Urologie., 26(11-12): 608-618. (2016).
Kaščáková,S., Kewish, C.M., Rouziere, S., Schmitt, F., Sobesky, R., Poupon, J., Sandt, C., Francou, B., Somogyi, A., Samuel, D., Jacquemin, J., Dubart-Kupperschmitt, A., Nguyen, T.H., Bazin, D., Duclos-Vallée, J.C., Guettier, C., Le Naour, F. "Rapid and reliable diagnosis of Wilson disease using X-ray fluorescence" Journal of Pathology., 2(3): 175-186. (2016).
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Ciani, A., Guizar-Sicairos, M., Diaz, A., Holler, M., Pallu, S., Achiou, Z., Jennane, R., Toumi, H., Lespessailles, E., Kewish, C.M. "Segmentation of nanotomographic cortical bone images for quantitative characterization of the osteoctyte lacuno-canalicular network" AIP Conference Proceedings., 1696: art.n° 020040. (2016).
Mohacsi, I., Vartiainen, I., Guizar-Sicairos, M., Karvinen, P., Guzenko, V.A., Müller, E., Kewish, C.M., Somogyi, A., David, C. "Fabrication and characterization of high-efficiency double-sided blazed x-ray optics" Optics Letters., 41(2): 281-284. (2016).