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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
E.g., 07/03/2025
E.g., 07/03/2025
Das, S., Carmona, A., Khatua, K., Porcaro, F., Somogyi, A., Ortega, R., Datta, A. "Manganese Mapping Using a Fluorescent Mn2+ Sensor and Nanosynchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Reveals the Role of the Golgi Apparatus as a Manganese Storage Site". Inorganic Chemistry., on line first (11/09/2019): (2019).
Ciani, A., Toumi, H., Pallu, S., Tsai, E.H.R., Diaz, A., Guizar-Sicairos, M., Holler, M., Lespessailles, E., Kewish, C.M. "Ptychographic X-ray CT characterization of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network in a male rat's glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis model" Bone Reports., 9: 122-131. (2018).
Cuif, J.P., Dauphin, Y., Luquet, G., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Perez-Huerta, A. "Revisiting the Organic Template Model through the Microstructural Study of Shell Development in Pinctada margaritifera, the Polynesian Pearl Oyster" Minerals., 8(9): art.n° 370. (2018).
Dauphin, Y., Brunelle, A., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Cuif, J.P. "The Prismatic Layer of Pinna: A Showcase of Methodological Problems and Preconceived Hypotheses" Minerals., 8(9): art.n° 365. (2018).
Sancho-Tomás, M., Somogyi, A., Medjoubi, K., Bergamaschi, A., Visscher, P.T., van Driessche, A.E.S., Gérard, E., Farias, M.E., Contreras, M., Philippot, P. "Distribution, redox state and (bio)geochemical implications of arsenic in present day microbialites of Laguna Brava, Salar de Atacama" Chemical Geology., 490: 13-21. (2018).
Hostachy, S., Masuda, M., Miki, T., Hamachi, I., Sagan, S., Lequin, O., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Delsuc, N., Policar, C. "Graftable SCoMPIs enable the labeling and X-ray fluorescence imaging of proteins" Chemical Science., 9(19): 4483-4487. (2018).
Brunet‐Possenti, F., Deschamps, L., Colboc, H., Somogyi, A., Medjoubi, K., Bazin, D., Descamps, V. "Detection of titanium nanoparticles in the hair shafts of a patient with frontal fibrosing alopecia". Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology., on line first (27/03/2018): (2018).
Medjoubi, K., Dawiec, A. "Quantitative evaluation method of the threshold adjustment and the flat field correction performances of hybrid photon counting pixel detectors" Journal of Instrumentation., 12(12): art.n° P12027. (2017).
Somogyi, A., Medjoubi, K., Sancho-Tomas, M., Visscher, P.T., Baranton, G., Philippot, P. "Arsenic distribution and valence state variation studied by fast hierarchical length-scale morphological, compositional, and speciation imaging at the Nanoscopium, Synchrotron Soleil" Proceedings of SPIE., 10389: art.n° 1038914. (2017).
Bergamaschi, A., Medjoubi, K., Messaoudi, C., Marco, S., Somogyi, A. "MMX-I: A data-processing software for multi-modal X-ray imaging and tomography" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 849: art.n° 012060. (2017).