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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Reverchon, J.L., Lehoucq, G., Lyoret, C., Truffer, J.P., Costard, E., Frayssinet, E., Brault, D., Duboz, J.Y., Giuliani, A., Refregiers, M., Idir, M., Roland Meynart, Steven P. Neeck, Haruhisa Shimoda "Performances and reliability tests of AlGaN based focal plane array for deep-UV imaging" Paper presented at the Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XV, Prague (CZ), 19 September 2011. Roland Meynart, Steven P. Neeck, Haruhisa Shimoda, 8176: art.n° 817619. (2011).
Firsov, A., Belkhou, R., Idir, M., Svintsov, A., Zaitsev, S., Ferlazzo, L., Cambril, E., AIP Conference Proceedings "Germanium-Based Circular Zone Plates for Soft and Hard X-Rays" Paper presented at the The 10th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy, 15-20/08/2010, Chicago (US). 1365: 84-87. (2011).
Bachelard, R., Mercère, P., Idir, M., Couprie, M. E., Labat, M., Chubar, O., Lambert, G., Zeitoun, P., Kimura, H., Ohashi, H., Higashiya, A., Yabashi, M., Nagasono, M., Hara, T., Ishikawa, T "Wavefront Analysis of Nonlinear Self-Amplified Spontaneous-Emission Free-Electron Laser Harmonics in the Single-Shot Regime" Physical Review Letters., 106(23): art.n° 234801. (2011).
Rizzi, J., Weitkamp, T., Guérineau, N., Idir, M., Mercère, P., Druart, V., Vincent, G., Da Silva, P., Primot, J. "Quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry in an achromatic and continuously self-imaging regime for future x-ray phase imaging" Optics Letters., 36(8): 1398-1400. (2011).
Paoloni, C., Di Carlo, A., Brunetti, F., Mineo, M., Ulisse, G., Durand, A.J., Krozer, V., Kotiranta, M., Fiorello, A.M., Dispenza, M., Secchi, A., Zhurbenko, V., Bouamrane, F., Bouvet, T., Megtert, S., Tamburri, E., Cojocaru, C.S., Gohier, A. "Design and Fabrication of a 1 THz Backward Wave Amplifier" Terahertz Science and Technology., 4(4): 149-163. (2011).
Choueikani, F., Delmotte, F., Polack, F., Bridou, F., Lagarde, B., Idir, M., A. Calisti, C. Mossé et S. Ferri "Étude des multicouches B4C/Mo pour la réalisation des réseaux multicouches alternés à efficacité élevée dans le domaine 1–5 KeV" In UVX 2010 - 10e Colloque sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV et X ; Applications et Développements Récents: 181-185: Editions de Physique, 2011. ISBN: 978-2-7598-0625-6
Duboz, J.Y., Frayssinet, E., Chenot, S., Reverchon, J.L., Idir, M. "X-ray detectors based on GaN Schottky diodes" Applied Physics Letters., 97(16): art.n° 163504. (2010).
Idir, M., Mercère, P., Moreno, T., Delmotte, A., Da Silva, P., Modi, M.H. "Metrology and Tests beamline at SOLEIL Design and first results" Paper presented at the SRI 2009, 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne, Australia, 27 September - 2 October 2009. 1234: 485-488. (2010).
Idir, M., Potier, J., Fricker, S., Snigirev, A., Snigireva, I., Modi, M.H. "X-ray Phase Contrast analysis—Digital wavefront development" Paper presented at the SRI 2009, 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne, Australia, 27 September - 2 October 2009. 1234: 677-680. (2010).
Modi, M.H., Idir, M. "Shape error analysis for reflective nano focusing optics" Paper presented at the SRI 2009, 10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Melbourne, Australia, 27 September - 2 October 2009. 1234: 681-684. (2010).