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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Hureau, C., Eury, H., Guillot, R., Bijani, C., Sayen, S., Solari, P.L., Guillon, E., Faller, P., Dorlet, P. "X-Ray and Solution Structures of CuIIGHK and CuIIDAHK Complexes: Influence on Their Redox Properties" Chemistry - A European Journal., 17(36): 10151–10160. (2011).
Faller, P., Hureau, C. "Le rôle des ions métalliques dans la maladie d’Alzheimer : Apport de la spectroscopie d’absorption X" Actualité Chimique., (356-357): 88-90. (2011).
Noiré, P., Jonquères, N., Schlutig, S., Leterme, D., Roux, T. "Sphere of confusion of a goniometer: measurements, techniques and results." Paper presented at the Diamond Light Source Proceedings. 1: art. n° e28. (2011).
Sitaud, B., Solari, P.L., Schlutig, S., Hermange, H., The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society "Characterization of Radioactive Materials using the MARS Beamline at the Synchrotron SOLEIL" In Supplemental Proceedings: Materials Processing and Energy Materials, Volume 1: 61-68: Wiley, 2011. ISBN: Print ISBN: 9781118029459 - Online ISBN: 9781118062111
Thomasset, M., Moreno, T., Capitanio, B., Idir, M., Bucourt, S. "In-situ metrology for the optimization of bent crystals used in hard-X-ray monochromators: Comparison between measurement and simulation" Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., 616(2-3): 197-202. (2010).
Schlutig, S., Solari, P.L., Hermange, H., Sitaud, B. "MARS, A New Facility for X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Absorption for Radioactive Matter Studies. in Basic Actinide Science and Materials for Nuclear Applications" MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL)., 1264: 131-136. (2010).
Jeanson, A., Ferrand, M., Funke, H., Hennig, C., Moisy, P., Solari, P.L., Vidaud, C., Den Auwer, C. "The Role of Transferrin in Actinide(IV) Uptake: Comparison with Iron(III)" Chemistry - A European Journal., 16(4): 1378-1387. (2010).
Hureau, C., Coppel, Y., Dorlet, P., Solari, P.L., Sayen, S., Guillon, E., Sabater, L., Faller, P. "Deprotonation of the Asp1-Ala2 Peptide Bond Induces Modification of the Dynamic Copper(II) Environment in the Amyloid-beta Peptide near Physiological pH" Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 48(50): 9522 - 9525. (2009).
Chevreux, S., Solari, P.L., Roudeau, S., Deves, G., Alliot, I., Testemale, D., Hazemann, J.L., Ortega, R. "EXAFS analysis of a human Cu,Zn SOD isoform focused using non-denaturing gel electrophoresis" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012205. (2009).
Jeanson, A., Berthon, C., Coantic, S., Den Auwer, C., Floquet, N., Funke, H., Guillaneux, D., Hennig, C., Martinez, J., Moisy, P., Petit, S., Proux, O., Quémeneur, E., Solari, P.L., Subra, G. "The role of aspartyl-rich pentapeptides in comparative complexation of actinide(IV) and iron(III). Part 1" New Journal of Chemistry., 33(5): 976-985. (2009).