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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Maloubier, M., Shuh, D.K., Minasian, S.G., Pacold, J.I., Solari, P.L., Michel, H., Oberhaensli, F.R., Bottein, Y., Monfort, M., Moulin, C., Den Auwer, C. "How do radionuclides accumulate in marine organisms? A case study of europium with Aplysina cavernicola" Environmental Science & Technology., 50(19): 10730–10738. (2016).
Bouty, O., Ramond, L., Solari, P.L., Cammelli, S. "XANES analysis of a Cm-doped borosilicate glass under αα-self-irradiation effects" Journal of Materials Science., 51(17): 7918-7928. (2016).
Acher, E., Cherkaski, Y.H., Dumas, T., Tamain, C., Guillaumont, D., Boubals, N., Javierre, G., Hennig, C., Solari, P.L., Charbonnel, M.C. "Structures of Plutonium(IV) and Uranium(VI) with N,N-Dialkyl Amides from Crystallography, X-ray Absorption Spectra, and Theoretical Calculations" Inorganic Chemistry., 55(11): 5558–5569. (2016).
Geiger, E., Bès, R., Martin, P., Pontillon, Y., Solari, P.L., Salome, M. "Fission products behaviour in UO2 submitted to nuclear severe accident conditions" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 712: art.n° 012098. (2016).
Bès, R., Rivenet, M., Solari, P.L., Kvashnina, K.O., Scheinost, A.C., Martin, P.M. "Use of HERFD–XANES at the U L3- and M4-Edges To Determine the Uranium Valence State on [Ni(H2O)4]3[U(OH,H2O)(UO2)8O12(OH)3]" Inorganic Chemistry., 55(9): 4260–4270. (2016).
Brulfert, F., Safi, S., Jeanson, A., Martinez-Baez, E., Roques, J., Berthomieu, C., Solari, P.L., Sauge-Merle, S., Simoni, E. "Structural Environment and Stability of the Complexes Formed Between Calmodulin and Actinyl Ions" Inorganic Chemistry., 55(6): 2728–2736. (2016).
Safi, S., Jeanson, A., Roques, J., Solari, P.L., Charnay-Pouget, F., Den Auwer, C., Creff, G., Aitken, D.J., Simoni, E. "Thermodynamic and Structural Investigation of Synthetic Actinide–Peptide Scaffolds" Inorganic Chemistry., 55(2): 877–886. (2016).
Geiger, E., Bès, R., Martin, P., Pontillon, Y., Ducros, G., Solari, P.L. "Insights on Fission Products behaviour in Nuclear Severe Accident Conditions by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy" Journal of Nuclear Materials., 471: 25-33. (2016).
Creff, G., Safi, S., Roques, J., Michel, H., Jeanson, A., Solari, P.L., Basset, C., Simoni, E., Vidaud, C., Den Auwer, C. "Actinide(IV) Deposits on Bone: Potential Role of the Osteopontin–Thorium Complex" Inorganic Chemistry., 55(1): 29–36. (2016).
Maloubier, M., Michel, H., Solari, P.L., Moisy, P., Tribalat, M.A., Oberhaensli, F.R., Dechraoui Bottein, M.Y., Thomas, O.P., Monfort, M., Moulin, C., Den Auwer, C. "Speciation of americium in seawater and accumulation in the marine sponge Aplysina cavernicola" Dalton Transactions., 44(47): 20584-20596. (2015).