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Harfouche, M., Farges, F., Crocombette, J.P., Flank, A.M. "XAFS and molecular dynamics study of natural minerals, analogues of ceramics for nuclear waste storage" Physica Scripta T., 115: 928-930. (2005).
Neuville, D.R., Cormier, L., Flank, A.M., Lagarde, P. "A XANES study at the Na and Al K edge of soda-lime aluminosilicate glasses and crystals" Physica Scripta T., 115: 316-317. (2005).
Prado, R.J., Flank, A.M. "Sodium K edge XANES calculation in 'NaCl' type structure" Physica Scripta T., 115: 165-167. (2005).
Prado, R.J., Lagarde, P., Flank, A.M., Jupille, J. "Behavior of sodium deposited on SiO2 at high coverages" Physica Scripta T., 115: 320-322. (2005).
Prado, R.J., Lagarde, P., Flank, A.M., Jupille, J., Bourgeois, S. "Sodium adsorption on the TiO2 (110) surface: an XAFS structural study" Physica Scripta T., 115: 531-533. (2005).
Briois, V., Giorgetti, C., Baudelet, F., Flank, A.M., Tokumoto, M.S., Pulcinelli, S.H., Santilli, C.V., E.C. Faulques, D.L. Perry, A.V. Yeremenko., NATO "X-ray absorption spectroscopy and nanocrystalline materials" In Spectroscopy of Emerging Materials: 15-30: Springer-Verlag, 2004. ISBN: 1-4020-2394-4
Janousch, M., Schmidt, T., Wetter, R., Grolimund, G., Scheidegger, A.M., Flank, A.M., Lagarde, P., Cauchon, G., Bac, S., Dubuisson, J.M., Warwick, T., Arthur, J., Padmore, H.A. and Stöhr, J. "LUCIA - a new 1-7 keV mu-XAS Beamline" Paper presented at the 8th International conference on synchrotron radiation instrumentation. Warwick, T., Arthur, J., Padmore, H.A. and Stöhr, J., 705: 312-315. (2003).