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van Hullebusch, E., Rossano, S., Farges, F., Lenz, M., Labanowski, J., Lagarde, P., Flank, A.M., Lens, P. "Sulfur K-edge XANES spectroscopy as a tool for understanding sulfur chemical state in anaerobic granular sludge" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012184. (2009).
Farges, F., Meibom, A., Flank, A.M., Lagarde, P., Janousch, M., Stolarski, J. "Speciation of Mg in biogenic calcium carbonates" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012175. (2009).
Flank, A.M., Trcera, N., Brunet, F., Itié, J.P., Irifune, T., Lagarde, P. "Experimental evidence of six-fold oxygen coordination for phosphorus and XANES calculations" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012174. (2009).
Kas, J.J., Vinson, J., Trcera, N., Cabaret, D., Shirley, E.L., Rehr, J.J. "Many-pole model of inelastic losses applied to calculations of XANES" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012009. (2009).
Lagarde, P., Flank, A.M., Jupille, J., Montigaud, H. "Oxidation state of sulfur, iron and tin at the surface of float glasses" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 190: art.n° 012079. (2009).
Reguer, S., Mirambet, F., Dooryhee, E., Hodeau, J.L., Dillmann, P., Lagarde, P. "Structural evidence for the desalination of akaganeite in the preservation of iron archaeological objects, using synchrotron X-Ray powder diffraction and absorption spectroscopy" Corrosion Science., 51(12): 2795-2802. (2009).
Flank, A.M., Lagarde, P., Itié, J.P., Polian, A., Hearne, G.R. "Pressure induced amorphisation and the amorphous-amorphous transition in nano-TiO2: An X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy study." Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science, Campinas (Brazil), 20–23 July 2008. 1092: 20-24. (2009).
Vantelon, D., Lagarde, P., Flank, A.M., Berrier, E., Secordel, X., Cristol, S., La Fontaine, C., Villain, F., Briois, V. "Applications in materials science of combining Raman and X-rays at the macro- and micrometric scale" Phase Transitions A Multinational Journal., 82(4): 322-335. (2009).
de Ligny, D., Neuville, D.R., Cormier, L., Roux, J., Henderson, G.S., Panczer, G., Shoval, S., Flank, A.M., Lagarde, P. "Silica polymorphs, glass and melt: An in situ high temperature XAS study at the Si K-edge" Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids., 355(18-21): 1099-1102. (2009).
Szikszai, Z., Uzonyi, I., Kiss, Á.Z., Szíki, G.Á., Vantelon, D., Rózsa, P. "Investigation of impact materials from the Barringer Meteor Crater by micro-XANES and micro-PIXE techniques" Nuclear Instruments and Methods B., 267(12-13): 2229-2232. (2009).