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Rocca, E., Vantelon, D., Gehin, A., Augros, M., Viola, A. "Chemical reactivity of self-organized alumina nanopores in aqueous medium" Acta Materialia., 59(3): 962-970. (2011).
de Combarieu, G., Schlegel, M.L., Neff, D., Foy, E., Vantelon, D., Barboux, P., Gin, S. "Glass-iron-clay interactions in a radioactive waste geological disposal: An integrated laboratory-scale experiment" Applied Geochemistry., 26(1): 65-79. (2011).
Gîrleanu, M., Pac, M.J., Ersen, O., Werckmann, J., Arnold, G., Rousselot, C., Tuilier, M.H. "The role of structural properties on damage behaviour of titanium and aluminium nitride coatings: An EXAFS and TEM study" Surface and Coatings Technology., 204(12-13): 2042-2045. (2010).
Monnier, J., Réguer, S., Vantelon, D., Dillmann, P., Neff, D., Guillot, I. "X-rays absorption study on medieval corrosion layers for the understanding of very long-term indoor atmospheric iron corrosion" Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing., 99(2): 399-406. (2010).
Wieland, E., Dahn, R., Vespa, M., Lothenbach, B. "Micro-spectroscopic investigation of Al and S speciation in hardened cement paste" Cement and Concrete Research., 40(6): 885-891. (2010).
Agostini, G., Lamberti, C., Palin, L., Milanesio, M., Danilina, N., Xu, B., Janousch, M., van Bokhoven, J.A. "In situ and XRPD parametric Rietveld Refinement to understand dealumination of Y zeolite catalyst" Journal of the American Chemical Society., 132(2): 667-678. (2010).
Neuville, D.R., Henderson, G.S., Cormier, L., Massiot, D. "The structure of crystals, glasses, and melts along the CaO-Al2O3 join: Results from Raman, Al L- and K-edge X-ray absorption, and 27Al NMR spectroscopy" American Mineralogist., 95(8): 1580-1589. (2010).
Di Trolio, A., Testa, A.M., Fiorani, D., Alippi, P., Amore Bonapasta, A., Veroli, C., Ciatto, G., Fonda, E. "Magnetic and X-ray absorption investigations of Co-doped ZnO films" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 200: art.n° 072025. (2010).
Bradley, D.A., Kaabar, W., Gundogdua, O., Farquharson, M. J., Janousch, M., Webb, M., Jeynes, C. "Synchrotron and ion beam studies of the bone–cartilage interface" Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., 619(1-3): 330-337. (2010).
Huguet, S., Sarret, G., Bert, V., Isaure, M.P., Proux, O., Flank, A.M., Hammade, V., Bulteel, D., Laboudigu, A. "Is phytoextraction a suitable green treatment for metal contaminated sediments?" Revue Paralia., 3(1): 4.1–4.14. (2010).