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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Le Naour, F., Sandt, C., Peng, C., Trcera, N., Chiappini, F., Flank, A.M., Guettier, C., Dumas, P. "In situ chemical composition analysis of cirrhosis by combining synchrotron-FTIR and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microspectroscopies on the same tissue section" Analytical Chemistry., 84(23): 10260–10266. (2012).
Venault de Bourleuf, E., Ferrand, J., Rossano, S., Loisel, C., Bauchau, F., Bousta, F., Orial, G., François, A., van Hullebusch, E., Trcera, N., Pallot-Frossard, I. "Étude du phénomène de brunissement de vitraux médiévaux" Paper presented at the Colloque Sciences des matériaux du patrimoine culturel, Paris, 20 et 21 novembre 2012. 115-119. (2012).
Robinet, L., Trcera, N., Pagès-Camagna, S., Spring, M., Reguer, S. "Analyse de la perte de couleur des peintures au smalt par spectroscopie d'absorption X" Techniques de l'Ingénieur., : art.n° RE211. (2012).
Larue, C., Veronesi, G., Flank, A.M., Surble, S., Herlin-Boime, N., Carrière, M. "Comparative Uptake and Impact of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Wheat and Rapeseed" Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A., 75(13-15): 722-734. (2012).
Bomme, C., Guillemin, R., Marin, T., Journel, L., Marchenko, T., Trcera, N., Kushawaha, R.K., Piancastelli, M.N., Simon, M., Stener, M., Decleva, P. "Molecular-frame photoelectron angular distribution imaging studies of OCS S1s photoionization" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 45(19): art.n° 194005. (2012).
El Beze, L., Rose, J., Mouillet, V., Farcas, F., Masion, A., Chaurand, P., Bottero, J.Y. "Location and evolution of the speciation of vanadium in bitumen and model of reclaimed bituminous mixes during ageing: Can vanadium serve as a tracer of the aged and fresh parts of the reclaimed asphalt pavement mixture?" Fuel., 102: 423-430. (2012).
Guillemin, R., Sheinerman, S., Bomme, C., Journel, L., Marin, T., Marchenko, T., Kushawaha, R.K., Trcera, N., Piancastelli, M.N., Simon, M. "Ultrafast Dynamics in Postcollision Interaction after Multiple Auger Decays in Argon 1s Photoionization" Physical Review Letters., 109(1): art.n° 013001. (2012).
Manuel, D., Cabaret, D., Brouder, C., Sainctavit, P., Bordage, A., Trcera, N. "Experimental evidence of thermal fluctuations on the x-ray absorption near-edge structure at the aluminum K edge" Physical Review B., 85(22): art.n° 224108. (2012).
Larue, C., Laurette, J., Herlin-Boime, N., Khodja, H., Fayard, B., Flank, A.M., Brisset, F., Carrière, M. "Accumulation, translocation and impact of TiO2 nanoparticles in wheat (Triticum aestivum spp.): Influence of diameter and crystal phase" Science of The Total Environment., 431: 197–208. (2012).
Rocca, E., Vantelon, D., Reguer, S., Mirambet, F. "Structural evolution in nanoporous anodic aluminium oxide" Materials Chemistry and Physics., 134(2-3): 905-911. (2012).