Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Koshmak, K., Banshchikov, A., Ciancio, R., Orgiani, P., Borgatti, F., Panaccione, G., Giglia, A., Céolin, D., Rueff, J.P., Sokolov, N.S., Pasquali, L. "Buried Interfaces Effects in Ionic Conductive LaF3–SrF2 Multilayers" Advanced Materials Interfaces., 4(5): art.n° 1600875. (2017).
Sato, H., Utsumi, Y., Katoh, K., Mimura, K., Ueda, S., Yamaoka, H., Rousuli, A., Arita, M., Umeo, K., Shimada, K., Namatame, H., Taniguchi, M. "Yb valence state in Yb5Rh4Ge10" Physica Status Solidi C., 14(6): art.n° e201600164. (2017).
Goldsztejn, G., Püttner, R., Journel, L., Guillemin, R., Travnikova, O, Kushawaha, R.K., Cunha de Miranda, B., Ismail, I., Céolin, D., Piancastelli, M.N., Simon, M., Marchenko, T. "Electronic-state–lifetime interference in the hard-x-ray regime: Argon as a showcase" Physical Review A., 95(1): art.n° 012509. (2017).
Piancastelli, M.N., Guillemin, R., Marchenko, T., Journel, L., Travnikova, O, Marin, T., Goldsztejn, G., Cunha de Miranda, B., Ismail, I., Simon, M. "New achievements on relaxation dynamics of atoms and molecules photoexcited in the tender x-ray domain at synchrotron SOLEIL" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 50(4): art.n° 042001. (2017).
Koskelo, J., Fugallo, G., Hakala, M., Gatti, M., Sottile, F., Cudazzo, P. "Excitons in van der Waals materials: From monolayer to bulk hexagonal boron nitride" Physical Review B., 95(3): art.n° 035125. (2017).
Risterucci, P., Renault, O., Zborowski, C., Bertrand, D., Torres, A., Rueff, J.P., Ceolin, D., Grenet, G., Tougaard, S. "Effective inelastic scattering cross-sections for background analysis in HAXPES of deeply buried layers" Applied Surface Science., 402: 78-85. (2017).
Al Samarai, M., Delgado-Jaime, M.U., Ishii, H., Hiraoka, N., Tsuei, K.D., Rueff, J.P., Lassalle-Kaiser, B., Weckhuysen, B.M., de Groot, F.M.F. "1s3p Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering of Cobalt Oxides and Sulfides" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 120(42): 24063–24069. (2016).
Cudazzo, P., Müller, E., Habenicht, C., Gatti, M., Berger, H., Knupfer, M., Rubio, A., Huotari, S. "Negative plasmon dispersion in 2H-NbS2 beyond the charge-density-wave interpretation" New Journal of Physics., 18(10): art.n° 103050. (2016).
Goldsztejn, G., Marchenko, T., Püttner, R., Journel, L., Guillemin, R., Carniato, S., Selles, P., Travnikova, O, Ceolin, D., Lago, A.F., Feifel, R., Lablanquie, P., Piancastelli, M.N., Penent, F., Simon, M. "Double-Core-Hole States in Neon: Lifetime, Post-Collision Interaction, and Spectral Assignment" Physical Review Letters., 117(13): art.n° 133001. (2016).
Balédent, V., Rueff, J.P. "RIXS in correlated electron systems under extreme conditions" High Pressure Research., 36(3): 371-380. (2016).