Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Gueye, I., Le Rhun, G., Renault, O., Cooper, D., Ceolin, D., Rueff, J.P., Barrett, N. "Operando hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the Pt/Ru/PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 interface" Applied Physics Letters., 111(3): art.n° 032906. (2017).
Goldsztejn, G., Püttner, R., Journel, L., Guillemin, R., Travnikova, O., Cunha de Miranda, B., Ismail, I., Carniato, S., Selles, P., Céolin, D., Lago, A.F., Feifel, R., Lablanquie, P., Penent, F., Piancastelli, M.N., Simon, M., Marchenko, T. "Experimental and theoretical study of the double-core-hole hypersatellite Auger spectrum of Ne" Physical Review A., 96(1): art.n° 012513. (2017).
Gobaut, B., Orgiani, P., Sambri, A., di Gennaro, E., Aruta, C., Borgatti, F., Lollobrigida, V., Céolin, D., Rueff, J.P., Ciancio, R., Bigi, C., Das, P.K., Fujii, J., Krizmancic, D., Torelli, P., Vobornik, I., Rossi, G., Miletto Granozio, F., Scotti di Uccio, U., Panaccione, G. "Role of oxygen deposition pressure in the formation of Ti defect states in TiO2 (001) anatase thin films" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces., 9(27): 23099–23106. (2017).
Céolin, D., Rueff, J.P., Zimin, A., Morin, P., Kimberg, V., Polyutov, S.P., Ågren, H., Gel'mukhanov, F. "Far-Zone Resonant Energy Transfer in X-Ray Photoemission as a Structure Determination Tool" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters., 8(12): 2730–2734. (2017).
Wu, M.Y, Ilakovac, V., André, J.M., Le Guen, K., Giglia, A., Rueff, J.P., Huang, Q.S., Wang, Z.S., Jonnard, P. "Study of Pd/Y based multilayers using high energy photoemission spectroscopy combined with x-ray standing waves" Proceedings of SPIE., 10235: art.n° 102350F. (2017).
Travnikova, O., Sisourat, N., Marchenko, T., Goldsztejn, G., Guillemin, R., Journel, L., Céolin, D., Ismail, I., Lago, A.F., Püttner, R., Piancastelli, M.N., Simon, M. "Subfemtosecond Control of Molecular Fragmentation by Hard X-Ray Photons" Physical Review Letters., 118(21): art.n° 213001. (2017).
Rödl, C., Ruotsalainen, K.O., Sottile, F., Honkanen, A.P., Ablett, J.M., Rueff, J.P., Sirotti, F., Verbeni, R., Al-Zein, A., Reining, L., Huotari, S. "Low-energy electronic excitations and band-gap renormalization in CuO" Physical Review B., 95(15): art.n° 195142. (2017).
Kukk, E., Thomas, T. D., Ueda, K., Céolin, D., Granroth, S., Kooser, K., Travnikova, O., Iablonsky, D., Decleva, P., Ayuso, D., Püttner, R., Levola, H., Goldsztejn, G., Marchenko, T., Piancastelli, M.N., Simon, M. "Photoelectron recoil in CO in the x-ray region up to 7 keV" Physical Review A., 95(4): art.n° 042509. (2017).
Lebert, B.W., Dean, M.P.M., Nicolaou, A., Pelliciari, J., Dantz, M., Schmitt, T., Yu, R., Azuma, M., Castellan, J.P., Miao, H., Gauzzi, A.
Baptiste, B., d'Astuto, M. "Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of spin-wave excitations in the cuprate parent compound Ca2 CuO2 Cl2" Physical Review B., 95(15): art.n° 155110. (2017).
Sundermann, M., Chen, K., Utsumi, Y., Wu, Y.H., Tsuei, K.D., Haenel, J., Prokofiev, A., Paschen, S., Tanaka, A., Tjeng, L.H., Severing, A. "Ce 3p hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of the topological Kondo insulator CeRu4Sn6" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 807: art.n° 022001. (2017).