Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Gatti, M., Sottile, F. "Exciton dispersion from first principles" Physical Review B., 88(15): art.n° 155113. (2013).
Rueff, J.P., Shukla, A. "A RIXS cookbook: Five recipes for successful RIXS applications" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 188: 10-16. (2013).
Braithwaite, D., Fernandez-Pañella, A., Colombier, E., Salce, B., Knebel, G., Lapertot, G., Balédent, V., Rueff, J.P., Paolasini, L., Verbeni, R., Flouquet, J. "(p,T,H) Phase Diagram of Heavy Fermion Systems: Some Systematics and Some Surprises from Ytterbium" Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism., 26(5): 1775-1780. (2013).
Valleau, M., Benabderrahmane, C., Chubar, O., Marteau, F., Belkhou, R., Miron, C., Rueff, J.P., Couprie, M.E. "Comparison between measured and simulated X-ray flux from different undulators at SOLEIL" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 032015. (2013).
Ablett, J.M., Dubuisson, J.M., Moreno, T., Céolin, D., Raimon, E., Prieur, D., Corruble, D., Coquet, J., Lestrade, A., Bourgoin, C., Rueff, J.P., "New Design Concept for a High-Resolution In-Vacuum 4-Bounce Hard X-Ray Monochromator at the GALAXIES Beamline at the SOLEIL Synchrotron" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 052007. (2013).
Jarrige, I., Yamaoka, H., Rueff, J.P., Lin, J.F., Taguchi, M., Hiraoka, N., Ishii, H., Tsuei, K.D., Imura, K., Matsumura, T., Ochiai, A., Suzuki, H.S., Kotani, A. "Unified understanding of the valence transition in the rare-earth monochalcogenides under pressure" Physical Review B., 87(11): art.n° 115107. (2013).
Püttner, R., Ceolin, D., Travnikova, O, Palaudoux, J., Hoshino, M., Kato, H., Tanaka, H., Tamenori, Y., Wang, C.C., Miron, C., Ueda, K., Piancastelli, M.N. "Hidden double excitations in the oxygen inner-shell ionization continuum of CO" New Journal of Physics., 15(3): art.n° 033003. (2013).
Rueff, J.P., Malcolm A. Halcrow "Spin-Transitions in Metal Oxides" In Spin-Crossover Materials: Properties and Applications: 527-541: Wiley, 2013. ISBN: 978-1119998679
Laksman, J., Céolin, D., Månsson, E.P., Sorensen, S.L., Gisselbrecht, M. "Development and characterization of a multiple-coincidence ion-momentum imaging spectrometer" Review of Scientific Instruments., 84(12): art.n° 123113. (2013).
Balédent, V., Rullier-Albenque, F., Colson, D., Monaco, G., Rueff, J.P. "Stability of the Fe electronic structure through temperature-, doping-, and pressure-induced transitions in the BaFe2As2 superconductors" Physical Review B., 86(23): art.n° 235123. (2012).