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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
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E.g., 26/02/2025
Canon, F., Paté, F., Meudec, E., Marlin, T., Cheynier, V., Giuliani, A., Sarni-Manchado, P. "Characterization, stoichiometry, and stability of salivary protein–tannin complexes by ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS" Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry., 395(8): 2535-2545. (2009).
Giuliani, A., Jamme, F., Rouam, V., Wien, F., Giorgetta, J.L., Lagarde, B., Chubar, O., Bac, S., Yao, I., Rey, S., Herbeaux , C., Marlats, J.L., Zerbib, D., Polack, F., Réfregiers, M., "DISCO: a low-energy multipurpose beamline at synchrotron SOLEIL" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.., 16(6): 835-841. (2009).
Carrasco, N., Schmitz-Afonso, I., Bonnet, J.Y., Quirico, E., Thissen, R., Dutuit, O., Bagag, A., Laprévote, O., Buch, A., Giuliani, A., Adandé, G., Ouni, F., Hadamcik, E., Szopa, C., Cernogora, G. "Chemical Characterization of Titan’s Tholins: Solubility, Morphology and Molecular Structure Revisited" Journal of Physical Chemistry A., 113(42): 11195–11203. (2009).
Wallace, B.A. "Protein characterisation by synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy." Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics., 42(4): 317-370. (2009).
Premvardhan, L., Bordes, L., Beer, A., Bchel, C., Robert, B. "Carotenoid Structures and Environments in Trimeric and Oligomeric Fucoxanthin Chlorophyll a/c2 Proteins from Resonance Raman Spectroscopy" Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 113(37): 12565–12574. (2009).
Chessel, A., Cinquin, B., Bardin, S., Salamero, J., Kervrann, C. "Computational geometry-based scale-space and modal image decomposition application to light video-microscopy imaging" In Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 770-781: Springer, 2009. ISBN: 978-3-642-02255-5
Giuliani, A., Limão-Vieira, P., Duflot, D., Milosavljevic, A.R., Marinkovic, B.P., Hoffmann, S.V., Mason, N., Delwiche, J., Hubin-Franskin, M.J. "Electronic states of neutral and ionized tetrahydrofuran studied by VUV spectroscopy and ab initio calculations" European Physical Journal D., 51(1): 97-108. (2009).
Kascakova, S., Nadova, Z., Mateasik, A., Mikes, J., Huntosova, V., Refregiers, M., Sureau, F., Maurizot, J.C., Miskovsky, P., Jancura, D. "High Level of Low-density Lipoprotein Receptors Enhance Hypericin Uptake by U-87 MG Cells in the Presence of LDL" Photochemistry & Photobiology., 84(1): 120–127. (2008).
Duflot, D., Flament, J.P., Giuliani, A., Heinesch, J., Hubin-Franskin, M.J. "Electronic excitation of gaseous acetic acid studied by K-shell electron energy loss spectroscopy and ab initio calculations" International Journal of Mass Spectrometry., 277(1-3): 70-78. (2008).
Thissen, R., Bizau, J.M., Blancard, C., Coreno, M., Dehon, C., Franceschi, P., Giuliani, A., Lemaire, J., Nicolas, C. "Photoionization Cross Section of Xe+ Ion in the Pure 5p5 2P3/2 Ground Level" Physical Review Letters., 100(22): art.n° 223001. (2008).