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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Douix, S., Duflot, D., Cubaynes, D., Bizau, J.M., Giuliani, A. "Photoionization of the Buckminsterfullerene Cation" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters., 8(1): 7–12. (2017).
Gans, B., Garcia, G. A., Holzmeier, F., Krüger, J., Röder, A., Lopes, A., Fittschen, C., Loison, J.C., Alcaraz, C. "Communication: On the first ionization threshold of the C2H radical" Journal of Chemical Physics., 146(1): art.n° 011101. (2017).
Beaulieu, S., Comby, A., Fabre, B., Descamps, D., Ferré, A., Garcia, G. A., Géneaux, R., Légaré, F., Nahon, L., Petit, S., Ruchon, T., Pons, B., Blanchet, V., Mairesse, Y. "Probing ultrafast dynamics of chiral molecules using time-resolved photoelectron circular dichroism" Faraday Discussions., 194: 325-348. (2016).
Veyrinas, K., Gruson, V., Weber, S.J., Barreau, L., Ruchon, T., Hergott, J.F., Houver, J.C., Lucchese, R.R., Salières, P., Dowek, D. "Molecular frame photoemission by a comb of elliptical high-order harmonics: a sensitive probe of both photodynamics and harmonic complete polarization state" Faraday Discussions., 194: 161-183. (2016).
Desrier, A., Romanzin, C., Lamarre, N., Alcaraz, C., Gans, B., Gauyacq, D., Liévin, J., Boyé-Péronne, S. "Experimental and ab initio characterization of HC3N+ vibronic structure. I. Synchrotron-based threshold photo-electron spectroscopy" Journal of Chemical Physics., 145(23): art.n° 234310 . (2016).
Chen, Z., Lau, K.C., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L., Bozanic, D.K., Poisson, L., Mogren Al-Mogren, M., Schwell, M., Francisco, J.S., Bellili, A., Hochlaf, M. "Identifying cytosine specific isomers via high accuracy single photon ionization" Journal of the American Chemical Society., 138(51): 16596–16599. (2016).
Niu, M.L., Hakala, M., Madhu Trivikram, T., Heays, A.N., De Oliveira, N., Salumbides, E.J., Ubachs, W. "Spectroscopy and perturbation analysis of the A1π (v=0) state of 13 C16 O" Molecular Physics., 114(19): 2857-2867. (2016).
Comby, A., Beaulieu, S., Boggio-Pasqua, M., Descamps, D., Légaré, F., Nahon, L., Petit, S., Pons, B., Fabre, B., Mairesse, Y., Blanchet, V. "Relaxation Dynamics in Photoexcited Chiral Molecules Studied by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Circular Dichroism: Toward Chiral Femtochemistry" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters., 7(22): 4514–4519. (2016).
Myrgorodska, I., Javelle, T., Meinert, C., Meierhenrich, U. J. "Enantioselective Gas Chromatography in Search of the Origin of Biomolecular Asymmetry in Outer Space" Israel Journal of Chemistry., 56(11-12): 1016–1026. (2016).
Rafiee Fanood, M.M., Janssen, M.H.M., Powis, I. "Wavelength dependent photoelectron circular dichroism of limonene studied by femtosecond multiphoton laser ionization and electron-ion coincidence imaging" Journal of Chemical Physics., 145(12): art.n° 124320. (2016).