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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
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E.g., 20/11/2024
Nahon, L., Corlier, M., Peaupardin, P., Marteau, F., Marcouillé, O., Brunelle, P., Alcaraz, C., Thiry, P. "A versatile electromagnetic planar/helical crossed undulator optimized for the SU5 low energy/high resolution beamline at Super-ACO" Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., 396(1-2): 237-250. (1997).
Le Sergeant d'Hendecourt, L., de Marcellus, P., Modica, P., M. Ollivier and M.-C. Maurel, BIO Web of Conferences "MICMOC/MICMOS: Photochemistry of van der Waals solids and the rise of the organic molecular complexity" Paper presented at the OV 2012: From Planets to Life – Colloquium of the CNRS Interdisciplinary Initiative “Planetary Environments and Origins of Life” Paris, France, November 29-30, 2012. M. Ollivier and M.-C. Maurel, 2: art. n° 03002. (2014).