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Couprie, M.E., Belakhovsky, M., Gilquin, B., Garzella, D., Jabonka, M., Méot, F., Monot, P., Mosnier, A., Nahon, L., Rousse, A. "A French proposal for an innovative accelerators based coherent UV–X-ray source" Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., 528(1-2): 557-561. (2004).
Nahon, L., Alcaraz, C. "SU5: a calibrated variable-polarization synchrotron radiation beam line in the vacuum-ultraviolet range" Applied Optics., 43(5): 1024-1037. (2004).
Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Lebech, M., Houver, J.C., Dowek, D., Powis, I. "Circular dichroism in the photoelectron angular distribution from randomly oriented enantiomers of camphor" Journal of Chemical Physics., 119(17): 8781-8784. (2003).
Lebech, M., Houver, J.C., Lafosse, A., Dowek, D., Alcaraz, C., Nahon, L., Lucchese, R. "Complete description of linear molecule photoionization achieved by vector correlations using the light of a single circular polarization" Journal of Chemical Physics., 118(21): 9653-9663. (2003).
Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Powis, I. "Near-threshold photoionization spectroscopy of the mono-terpenes limonene and carvone" International Journal of Mass Spectrometry., 225(3): 261-270. (2003).
Meierhenrich, U.J., Thiemann, W., Barbier, B., Brack, A., Alcaraz, C., Nahon, L., Wolstencroft, R., Sawaya-Lacoste H. "Remote sensing of circulary polarized light from orbit of planet Mercury by the ESA mission BEPICOLOMBO" In Exo-Astrobiology, ESA SP-518: 243-246: Noordwijk, 2002. ISBN: 92-9092-828-X
Couprie, M.E., Bruni, C., Garzella, D., Nahon, L., De-Ninno, G., Nutarelli, D., Marsi, M. "Storage ring free electrons laser on super-ACO, ELETTRA and SOLEIL" Journal de Physique IV., 12(5): 339-341. (2002).
Meierhenrich, U.J., Thiemann, W., Barbier, A., Brack, A., Alcaraz, C., Nahon, L., Wolstencroft, R. "Circular Polarization of Light by Planet Mercury and Enantiomorphism of its Surface Minerals" Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres., 32(2): 181-190. (2002).
Marsi, M., Locatelli, A., Trovo, M., Walker, R.P., Couprie, M. E., Garzella, D., Nahon, L., Nutarelli, D., Renault, E., Gatto, A., Kaiser, N., Giannessi, L., Gunster, S., Poole, M.W., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A. "UV/VUV FEL oscillators and applications in Materials sciences" Surface Review and Letters., 9(1): 599-607. (2002).
Couprie, M. E., Renault, E., Garzella, D., Nutarelli, D., De Ninno, G., Mérola, F., Nahon, L. "Applications in biology with the Super-ACO FEL and future prospects" Proceedings of SPIE., 4633: 210-224. (2002).