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E.g., 19/11/2024
Veyrinas, K., Elkharrat, C., Marggi Poullain, S., Saquet, N., Dowek, D., Lucchese, R.R., Garcia, G. A., Nahon, L. "Complete determination of the state of elliptically polarized light by electron-ion vector correlations" Physical Review A., 88(6): art.n° 063411. (2013).
Schwell, M., Gaie-Levrel, F., Bénilan, Y., Gazeau, M.C., Fray, N., Saul, G., Champion, N., Leach, S., Guillemin, J.C. "VUV spectroscopy and photochemistry of five interstellar and putative prebiotic molecules" European Astronomical Society Publication Series., 58(1): 301-306. (2012).
Lebech, M., Houver, J.C., Raseev, G., Dowek, D., dos Santos, A.S., Lucchese, R.R. "Recoil-frame photoelectron angular distributions probing inner-valence dissociative ionization of carbon monoxide" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 388: art.n° 022016. (2012).
Schwell, M., Benilan, Y., Fray, N., Gazeau, M.C., Es-Sebbar, E., Gaie-Levrel, F., Champion, N., Leach, S. "Ionization Photophysics and Rydberg Spectroscopy of Diacetylene" Molecular Physics., 110(21-22): 2843-2856. (2012).
Billaud, P., Picard, Y.J., Géléoc, M., Hergott, J.F., Carré, B., Breger, P., Ruchon, T., Veyrinas, K., Roulliay, M., Delmotte, F., Böttcher, M., Huetz, A., Dowek, D. "Ultrafast Electronic And Nuclear Dynamics In Dissociative Photoionization Of Molecular Hydrogen and Deuterium" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 388: art.n° 022015. (2012).
Diaz-Tendero, S., Elkharrat, C., Corral, C., Dowek, D. "New features in the ionic states of N2O4: Experimental and theoretical study" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 388: art.n° 022017. (2012).
Briant, M., Poisson, L., Hochlaf, M., De Pujo, P., Gaveau, P. "Ar2 Photoelectron Spectroscopy Mediated by Autoionizing States" Physical Review Letters., 109(19): art.n° 193401. (2012).
Billaud, P., Géléoc, M., Picard, Y.J., Veyrinas, K., Hergott, J.F., Marggi Poullain, S., Breger, P., Ruchon, T., Roulliay, M., Delmotte, F., Lepetit, F., Huetz, A., Carré, B., Dowek, D. "Molecular frame photoemission in dissociative ionization of H2 and D2 induced by high harmonic generation femtosecond XUV pulses" Journal of Physics B. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 45(19): art.n° 194013. (2012).
Giuliani, A., Milosavljevic, A.R., Hinsen, K., Canon, F., Nicolas, C., Réfregiers, M., Nahon, L. "Structure and Charge-State Dependence of the Gas-Phase Ionization Energy of Proteins" Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 51(38): 9552–9556. (2012).
Evans, A.C., Meinert, C., Giri, C., Goesmann, F., Meierhenrich, U. J. "Chirality, photochemistry and the detection of amino acids in interstellar ice analogues and comets" Chemical Society Reviews., 41(16): 5447-5458. (2012).