Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Campbell, V.E., Tonetti, M., Cimatti, I., Moussy, J.B., Tortech, L., Dappe, Y.J., Rivière, E., Guillot, R., Delprat, S., Mattana, R., Seneor, P., Ohresser, P., Choueikani, F., Otero, E., Koprowiak, F., Gopal Chilkuri, V., Suaud, N., Guihéry, N., Galtayries, A., Miserque, F., Arrio, M.A.
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Chen, K., Stigari, F., Sundermann, M., Agrestini, S., Ghimire, N.J., Lin, S.Z., Batista, C.D., Bauer, E.D., Thompson, J.D., Otero, E., Tanaka, A., Severing, A. "Exchange field effect in the crystal-field ground state of CeMAl4Si2" Physical Review Applied., 94(11): art.n° 115111. (2016).
Kuo, C.Y., Hu, Z., Yang, J.C., Liao, S.C., Huang, Y.L., Vasudevan, R.K., Okatan, M.B., Jesse, S., Kalinin, S.V., Li, L., Liu, H.J., Lai, C.H., Pi, T.W., Agrestini, S., Chen, K., Ohresser, P., Tanaka, A., Tjeng, L.H., Chu, Y.H. "Single-domain multiferroic BiFeO3 films" Nature Communications., 7: art.n° 12712. (2016).
Li, J., Menguy, N., Arrio, M.A., Sainctavit, P., Juhin, A., Wang, Y., Chen, H., Bunau, O., Otero, E., Ohresser, P., Pan, Y. "Controlled cobalt doping in the spinel structure of magnetosome magnetite: new evidences from element- and site-specific X-ray magnetic circular dichroism analyses." Journal of the Royal Society Interface., 13(121): art.n° 20160355. (2016).
Jafri, S.F., Koumousi, E.S., Sainctavit, P., Juhin, A., Schuler, V., Bunǎu, O., Mitcov, D., Dechambenoit, P., Mathonière, C., Clérac, R., Otero, E., Ohresser, P., Cartier dit Moulin, C., Arrio, M.A. "Large Orbital Magnetic Moment Measured in the [TpFeIII(CN)3]- Precursor of Photomagnetic Molecular Prussian Blue Analogues." Inorganic Chemistry., 55(14): 6980–6987. (2016).