Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Barbier, A., Belkhou, R., Ohresser, P., Gautier-Soyer, M., Bezencenet, O., Mulazzi, M., Guittet, M.J., Moussy, J.B. "Electronic and crystalline structure, morphology, and magnetism of nanometric Fe2O3 layers deposited on Pt(111) by atomic-oxygen-assisted molecular beam epitaxy" Physical Review B., 72(24): art.n° 245423. (2005).
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Sass, B., Tusche, C., Felsch, W., Bertran, F., Fortuna, F., Ohresser, P., Krill, G. "Magnetic and electronic interaction effects at the interfaces of Fe/V2O3 and Co/V2O3 bilayers" Physical Review B., 71(1): art.n° 014415. (2005).