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E.g., 07/03/2025
Beutier, G., Marty, A., Livet, F., van der Laan, G., Stanescu, S., Bencok, P. "Soft x-ray coherent scattering: Instrument and methods at ESRF ID08" Review of Scientific Instruments., 78(9): art.n° 093901. (2007).
Mulazzi, M., Stanescu, S., Fujii, J., Vobornik, I., Boeglin, C., Belkhou, R., Rossi, G., Barbier, A. "Structural and electronic properties of thin Ni layers on Cu(111) as investigated by ARPES, STM and GIXD" Surface Science., 600(18 Special Issue): 3938-3942. (2006).
Herrero-Martín, J., García, J., Subías, G., Blasco, J., Sánchez, M.C., Stanescu, S. "Double stripe ordering in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 determined by resonant soft x-ray scattering" Physical Review B., 73(22): art.n° 224407. (2006).
Wilkins, S.B., Stojic, N., Beale, T.A.W., Binggeli, N., Hatton, P.D., Bencok, P., Stanescu, S., Mitchell, J.F., Abbamonte, P., Altarelli, M. "Separating the causes of orbital ordering in LaSr2Mn2O7 using resonant soft x-ray diffraction" Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter., 18(24): L323-L329. (2006).
Rohart, S., Repain, V., Tejeda, A., Ohresser, P., Scheurer, F., Bencok, P., Ferré, J., Rousset, S. "Distribution of the magnetic anisotropy energy of an array of self-ordered Co nanodots deposited on vicinal Au(111): X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements and theory" Physical Review B., 73(16): art.n° 165412. (2006).
Bencok, P., Stanescu, S., Cezar, J., Brookes, N.B. "Magnetism of a vanadium monolayer on Ag(100): Experiment versus theory" Thin Solid Films., 515(2): 724-726. (2006).
Favre, L., Dupuis, V., Bernstein, E., Mélinon, P., Pérez, A., Stanescu, S., Epicier, T., Simon, J.P., Babonneau, D., Tonnerre, J.M., Hodeau, J.L. "Structural and magnetic properties of CoPt mixed clusters" Physical Review B., 74(1): art.n° 014439. (2006).
Gaudry, E., Sainctavit, P., Juillot, F., Bondioli, F., Ohresser, P., Letard, I. "From the green color of eskolaite to the red color of ruby: an X-ray absorption spectroscopy study" Physics and Chemistry of Minerals., 32(10): 710-720. (2006).
Ohresser, P., Bulou, H., Dhesi, S. S., Boeglin, C., Lazarovits, B., Gaudry, E., Chado, I., Faerber, J., Scheurer, F. "Surface diffusion of Cr adatoms on Au(111) by quantum tunneling" Physical Review Letters., 95(19): art.n° 195901. (2005).
Weiss, N., Cren, T., Epple, M., Rusponi, S., Baudot, G., Rohart, S., Tejeda, A., Repain, V., Rousset, S., Ohresser, P., Scheurer, F., Bencok, P., Brune, H. "Uniform magnetic properties for an ultrahigh-density lattice of noninteracting Co nanostructures" Physical Review Letters., 95(15): art.n° 157204. (2005).