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Bulou, H., Scheurer, F., Boeglin, C., Ohresser, P., Stanescu, S., Gaudry, E. "Low-Temperature Surface Diffusion on Metallic Surfaces" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 113(11): 4461–4467. (2009).
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Otero, E., Shipman, P.O., Abd-El-Aziz, A.S., Urquhart, S.G. "Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy Study of the Photolytic Process in Poly(phenyl thioether) with Pendant Iron Moieties" Macromolecules., 41(24): 9532-9541. (2008).
Tournus, F., Blanc, N., Tamion, A., Ohresser, P., Perez, A., Dupuis, V. "XMCD study of CoPt nanoparticles embedded in MgO and amorphous carbon matrices" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 166-167: 84-88. (2008).
Valvidares, S.M., Quiros, C., Mirone, A., Tonnerre, J.M., Stanescu, S., Bencok, P., Souche, Y., Zarate, L., Martin, J.I., Velez, M., Brookes, N.B., Alameda, J.M. "Resolving antiferromagnetic states in magnetically coupled amorphous Co-Si-Si multilayers by soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering" Physical Review B., 78(6): art.n° 064406. (2008).
Bezencenet, O., Barbier, A., Ohresser, P., Belkhou, R., Stanescu, S., Magnan, H, Tonnerre, J.M., Grenier, S., Guittet, M.J. "Evidence of the exchange coupling in the Co/a-Fe2O3 system" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 100(7): art.n° 072027. (2008).
Tournus, F., Tamion, A., Blanc, N., Hannour, A., Bardotti, L., Prével, B., Ohresser, P., Bonnet, E., Epicier, T., Dupuis, V. "Evidence of L10 chemical order in CoPt nanoclusters: Direct observation and magnetic signature" Physical Review B., 77(14): art. n° 144411. (2008).
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Bezencenet, O., Barbier, A., Ohresser, P., Belkhou, R., Stanescu, S., Owens, J., Guittet, M.J. "Interfacial reactivity of magnetic exchange coupled Co/alpha-Fe2O3(0 0 0 1) interfaces" Surface Science., 601(18): 4321-4325. (2007).
Beale, T. A. W., Wilkins, S.B., Hatton, P.D., Abbamonte, P., Stanescu, S., Paixão, J.A. "Resonant soft x-ray magnetic scattering from the 4f and 3d electrons in DyFe4Al8: Magnetic interactions in a cycloidal antiferromagnet" Physical Review B., 75(17): art.n° 174432. (2007).