Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Mannini, M., Pineider, F., Danieli, C., Totti, F., Sorace, L., Sainctavit, P., Arrio, M.A., Otero, E., Joly, L., Cezar, J.C., Cornia, A., Sessoli, R. "Quantum tunnelling of the magnetization in a monolayer of oriented single-molecule magnets" Nature., 468(7322): 417–421. (2010).
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Poneti, G., Mannini, M., Sorace, L., Sainctavit, P., Arrio, M.A., Otero, E., Cezar, J. C., Dei, A. "Soft-X-ray-Induced Redox Isomerism in a Cobalt Dioxolene Complex" Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 49(11): 1954-1957. (2010).
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Otero, E., Shipman, P.O., Abd-El-Aziz, A.S., Urquhart, S.G. "Substituent Effects in the Iron 2p and Carbon 1s Edge Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy of Metal Arene Complexes and Polymers" Organometallics., 28(7): 2160–2172. (2009).
Mocuta, C., Barbier, A., Ramos, A.V., Guittet, M.J., Moussy, J.B., Stanescu, S., Gatel, G., Mattana, R., Deranlot, C., Petroff, F. "Crystalline structure of oxide-based epitaxial tunnel junctions. The effect of optical lithography studied by X-ray microdiffraction" European Physical Journal.-Special Topics., 167(1): 53-58. (2009).