Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Choueikani, F., Delmotte, F., Bridou, F., Lagarde, B., Mercere, P., Otero, E., Ohresser, P., Polack, F. "Preparation for B4C/Mo2C multilayer deposition of alternate multilayer gratings with high efficiency in the 0.5-2.5 keV energy range" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 152007. (2013).
Choueikani, F., Bridou, F., Lagarde, B., Meltchakov, E., Polack, F., Mercere, P., Delmotte, F. "X-ray properties and interface study of B4C/Mo and B4C/Mo2C periodic multilayers" Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing., 111(1): 191-198. (2013).
Djeghloul, F., Ibrahim, F., Cantoni, M., Bowen, M., Joly, L., Boukari, S., Ohresser, P., Bertran, F., Le Fevre, P., Thakur, P., Scheurer, F., Miyamachi, T., Mattana, R., Seneor, P., Jaafar, A., Rinaldi, C., Javaid, S., Arabski, J., Kappler, J.P., Wulfhekel, W., Brookes, N.B., Bertacco, R., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Alouani, M., Beaurepaire, E., Weber, W. "Direct observation of a highly spin-polarized organic spinterface at room temperature" Scientific Reports., 3: art.n° 1272. (2013).
Miyamachi, T., Gruber, M., Davesne,V., Bowen, M., Boukari, S., Joly, L., Scheurer, F., Rogez, G., Yamada, T.K., Ohresser, P., Beaurepaire, E., Wulfhekel, W. "Robust spin crossover and memristance across a single molecule" Nature Communications., 3: art.n° 938. (2012).
Moreno, T., Otero, E., Ohresser, P. "In situ characterization of undulator magnetic fields" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 19(2): 179-184. (2012).
Vo-Van, C., Schumacher, S., Coraux, J., Sessi, V., Fruchart, O., Brookes, N.B., Ohresser, P., Michely, T. "Magnetism of cobalt nanoclusters on graphene on iridium" Applied Physics Letters., 99(14): art.n° 142504. (2011).
Moreno, T., Otero, E., Dong, X., Ohresser, P., Manuel Sanchez del Rio, Oleg Chubar "Undulator emission analysis: comparison between measurements and simulations" Paper presented at the Advances in Computational Methods for X-Ray Optics II, 21 August 2011, San Diego (US). Manuel Sanchez del Rio, Oleg Chubar, 8141: art.n° 81410H. (2011).
Mannini, M., Tancini, E., Sorace, L., Sainctavit, P., Arrio, M.A., Qian, Y., Otero, E., Chiappe, D., Margheriti, L., Cezar, .J.C., Sessoli, R., Cornia, A. "Spin Structure of Surface-Supported Single-Molecule Magnets from Isomorphous Replacement and X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism" Inorganic Chemistry., 50(7): 2911–2917. (2011).
Bezencenet, O., Bonamy, D., Belkhou, R., Ohresser, P., Barbier, A. "Origin and Tailoring of the Antiferromagnetic Domain Structure in a-Fe2O3 Thin Films Unraveled by Statistical Analysis of Dichroic Spectromicroscopy (X-Ray Photoemission Electron Microscopy) Images" Physical Review Letters., 106(10): art.n° 107201. (2011).
Campiglio, P., Moreau, N., Repain, V., Chacon, C., Girard, Y., Klein, J., Lagoute, J., Rousset, S., Bulou, H., Scheurer, F., Goyhenex, C., Ohresser, P., Fonda, E., Magnan, H "Interplay between interfacial and structural properties on the magnetism of self-organized core-shell Co/Pt supported nanodots" Physical Review B., 84(23): art.n° 235443. (2011).