Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Goroncy, C., Saloga, P.E.J., Gruner, M., Schmudde, M., Vonnemann, J., Otero, E., Haag, R., Graf, C. "Influence of Organic Ligands on the Surface Oxidation State and Magnetic Properties of Iron Oxide Particles" Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie., 232(5-6): 819-844. (2018).
Daffé, N., Choueikani, F., Neveu, S., Arrio, M.A., Juhin, A., Ohresser, P., Dupuis, V., Sainctavit, P. "Magnetic Anisotropies and Cationic Distribution in CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles Prepared by Co-precipitation Route : Influence of Particle Size and Stoichiometry" Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials., 460: 243-252. (2018).
Chen, K., Sundermann, M., Strigari, F., Kawabata, J., Takabatake, T., Tanaka, A., Bencok, P., Choueikani, F., Severing, A. "Tuning the hybridization and magnetic ground state of electron and hole doped CeOs2Al10: An X-ray spectroscopy study" Physical Review B., 97(15): art.n° 155106. (2018).
Oz, E., Demirel, S., Altin, S., Altin, E., Baglayan, O., Bayri, A., Avci, S. "Fabrication of Ca-Mn-Nb-O compounds and their structural, electrical, magnetic and thermoelectric properties" Materials Research Express., 5(3): art.n° 036304. (2018).
Pedrini, A., Poggini, L., Tudisco, C., Torelli, M., Giuffrida, A.E., Bertani, F., Cimatti, I., Otero, E., Ohresser, P., Sainctavit, P., Suman, M., Condorelli, G.G., Mannini, M., Dalcanale, E. "Self-Assembly of TbPc2 Single-Molecule Magnets on Surface through Multiple Hydrogen Bonding" Small., 14(5): art.n° 1702572. (2018).
Bairagi, K., Bellec, A., Fourmental, C., Iasco, O., Lagoute, J., Chacon, C., Girard, Y., Rousset, S., Choueikani, F., Otero, E., Ohresser, P., Sainctavit, P., Boillot, M.L., Mallah, T., Repain, V. "Temperature, Light and Soft X-ray Induced Spin Crossover in a Single Layer of FeII-Pyrazolylborate Molecules in Direct Contact with Gold" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 122(1): 727–731. (2018).
Bouldi, N., Brouder, C. "Gauge invariance and relativistic effects in X-ray absorption and scattering by solids" European Physical Journal B., 90: art.n° 246. (2017).
Daffé, N., Sikora, M., Rovezzi, M., Bouldi, N., Gavrilov-Isaac, V., Choueikani, F., Ohresser, P., Dupuis, V., Taverna, D., Gloter, A., Arrio, M.A., Sainctavit, P., Juhin, A. "Nanoscale Distribution of Magnetic Anisotropies in Bimagnetic Soft Core–Hard Shell MnFe2O4@CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles" Advanced Materials Interfaces., 4(22): art.n° 1700599. (2017).
Cucinotta, G., Poggini, L., Pedrini, A., Bertani, F., Cristiani, N., Torelli, M., Graziosi, P., Cimatti, I., Cortigiani, B., Otero, E., Ohresser, P., Sainctavit, P., Dediu, A., Dalcanale, E., Sessoli, R., Mannini, M. "Tuning of a Vertical Spin Valve with a Monolayer of Single Molecule Magnets" Advanced Functional Materials., 27(42): art.n° 1703600. (2017).
Ferté, T., Bergeard, N., Le Guyader, L., Hehn, M., Malinowski, G., Terrier, E., Otero, E., Holldack, K., Pontius, N., Boeglin, C. "Element-resolved ultrafast demagnetization rates in ferrimagnetic CoDy" Physical Review B., 96(13): art.n° 134303. (2017).