Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Yamada, T., Takakura, H., Euchner, H., Pay Gomez, C., Bosak, A., Fertey, P., De Boissieu, M. "Atomic structure and phason modes of the Sc–Zn icosahedral quasicrystal" IUCrJ., 3(4): 247-258. (2016).
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Hajj Hussein, R., Pagès, O., Polian, A., Postnikov, A.V., Dicko, H., Firszt, F., Strzałkowski,K., Paszkowicz,W., Broch,L., Ravy, S., Fertey, P. "Pressure-induced phonon freezing in the ZnSeS II–VI mixed crystal: phonon–polaritons and ab initio calculations" Journal of Physics Condensed Matter., 28(20): art.n° 205401. (2016).
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Watanabe, H., Tanaka, K., Bréfuel, N., Cailleau, H., Létard, J.F., Ravy, S., Fertey, P., Nishino, M., Miyashita, S., Collet, E. "Ordering phenomena of high-spin/low-spin states in stepwise spin-crossover materials described by the ANNNI model" Physical Review B., 93(1): art.n° 014419. (2016).