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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
E.g., 03/02/2025
E.g., 03/02/2025
Zorina, L., Simonov, S., Meziere, C., Canadell, E., Suh, S., Brown, S.E., Foury-Leylekian, P., Fertey, P., Pouget, J.P., Batail, P. "Charge ordering, symmetry and electronic structure issues and Wigner crystal structure of the quarter-filled band Mott insulators and high pressure metals delta-(EDT-TTF-CONMe2)(2)X, X = Br and AsF6" Journal of Materials Chemistry., 19(38): 6980-6994. (2009).
Renaud, G., Abeillé, G., Langlois, F., Malik, J., Elkaim, E., Fonda, E., "Continuous scan at Synchrotron SOLEIL" Paper presented at the ICALEPCS'2009, 12th Int. Conf. on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems - October 12-16, 2009. WEP054. (2009).
Poienar, M., Damay, F., Martin, C., Hardy, V., Maignan, A., André, G. "Structural and magnetic properties of CuCr1−xMgxO2 by neutron powder diffraction" Physical Review B., 79(1): art.n° 014412. (2009).
Jacques, V.L.R., Le Bolloc'h, D., Ravy, S., Giles, C., Livet, F., Wilkins, S.B. "Spin density wave dislocation in chromium probed by coherent X-ray diffraction" European Physical Journal B., 70(3): 317-325. (2009).
Volkringer, C., Loiseau, T., Guillou, N., Férey, A., Elkaim, E. "Syntheses and structures of the MOF-type series of metal 1,4,5,8,-naphthalenetetracarboxylates M2(OH)2[C14O8H4] (Al, Ga, In) with infinite trans-connected M-OH-M chains (MIL-122)" Solid State Sciences., 11(8): 1507-1512. (2009).
Le Bolloc'h, D., Itie, J.P., Polian, A., Ravy, S. "Combining high pressure and coherent diffraction: a first feasibility test" High Pressure Research., 29(4): 635-638. (2009).
Volkringer, C., Loiseau, T., Guillou, N., Férey, G., Elkaim, E., Vimont, A. "XRD and IR structural investigations of a particular breathing effect in the MOF-type gallium terephthalate MIL-53(Ga)" Dalton Transactions., (12): 2241 - 2249. (2009).
Jacques, V.L.R., Le Bolloc'h, D., Kirova, N., Ravy, S., Dumas, J. "Observation of correlations up to the micrometer scale in sliding charge-density waves" Physica B : Condensed Matter., 404(3-4): 559-561. (2009).
Jacques, V.L.R., Le Bolloc'h, D., Ravy, S. "Density wave defects in chromium probed by coherent X-rays" Physica B : Condensed Matter., 404(3-4): 573-575. (2009).
Bendeif, E.E., Lecomte, C., Dahaoui, S. "Following an isosymmetric phase transition by changes in bond lengths and anisotropic displacement parameters: the case of meta-carboxyphenylammonium phosphite" Acta Crystallographica B., 65(1): 59-67. (2009).