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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
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E.g., 01/02/2025
Doubrovsky, C., André, G., Gukasov, A., Auban-Senzier, P., Pasquier, C.R., Elkaim, E., Li, M., Greenblatt, M., Damay, F., Foury-Leylekian, P. "Magnetic phase transitions in PrMn2O5: Importance of ion-size threshold size effects in RMn2O5 compounds (R = rare earth)" Physical Review B., 86(17): art.n° 174417. (2012).
Brezgunova, M.E., Aubert, E., Dahaoui, S., Fertey, P., Lebégue, S., Jelsch, C., Angyan, J.G., Espinosa, E. "Charge density analysis and topological properties of Hal3-synthons and their comparison with competing hydrogen bonds" Crystal Growth & Design., 12(11): 5373–5386. (2012).
Jacques, V.L.R., Le Bolloc'h, D., Pinsolle, E., Picca, F., Ravy, S. "Estimation of coherence properties of an undulator-generated x-ray beam from near-field and far-field slit diffraction visibilities" Physical Review B., 86(14): art.n° 144117. (2012).
Fourme, R., Girard, E., Akasaka, K. "High-pressure macromolecular crystallography and NMR: status, achievements and prospects" Current Opinion in Structural Biology., 22(5): 636-642. (2012).
Faour, A., Mousty, C., Prevot, V., Devouard, B., De Roy, A., Bordet, P., Elkaim, E., Taviot-Gueho, C. "Correlation Between Structure, Microstructure and Electrochemical Properties of NiAl-CO3 LDH Thin-Films" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 116(29): 15646-15659. (2012).
Bourgeois, J., André, G., Petit, S., Robert, J., Poienar, M., Rouquette, J., Elkaïm, E., Hervieu, M., Maignan, A., Martin, C., Damay, F. "Evidence of magnetic phase separation in LuFe2O4" Physical Review B., 86(2): art.n° 024413. (2012).
Ati, M., Sougrati, M.T., Rousse, G., Recham, N., Doublet, M.L., Jumas, J.C., Tarascon, J.M. "Single step synthesis of FeSO4F1-yOHy (0< y <1) positive electrodes for Li-based batteries" Chemistry of materials., 24(8): 1472-1485. (2012).
Pinsolle, E., Le Bolloc'h, D., Kirova, N., Jacques, V.L.R., Shinchenko, A.A., Monceau, P. "Pinning and depinning process of an incommensurate CDW as revealed by coherent X-ray diffraction" Physica B : Condensed Matter., 407(11): 1848–1851. (2012).
Ravy, S., Laulhé, C., Itié, J.P., Fertey, P., Corraze, B., Salmon, S., Cario, L. "High-Pressure X-ray diffraction study of 1T-TaS2" Physica B : Condensed Matter., 407(11): 1704–1706. (2012).
Doubrovsky, C., André, G., Bouquet, F., Elkaim, E., Li, M., Greenblatt, M., Foury-Leylekian, P. "Magnetic structure and physical properties of the multiferroic compound PrMn2O5" Physica B : Condensed Matter., 407(11): 1718–1721. (2012).