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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
E.g., 01/02/2025
E.g., 01/02/2025
Yamada, T., Euchner, H., Pay Gomez, C., Takakura, H., Tamura, R., de Boissieu, M. "Short- and long-range ordering during the phase transition of the Zn6Sc 1=1 cubic approximant" Journal of Physics Condensed Matter., 25(20): art.n° 205405. (2013).
Sathiya, M., Ramesha, K., Rousse, G., Foix, D., Gonbeau, D., Prakash, A.S., Doublet, M.L., Hemalatha, K., Tarascon, J.M. "</sub>High performance Li<sub>2</sub>Ru<sub>1-y</sub>Mn<sub>y</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (0.2 « y « 0.8) cathode materials for rechargeable Li-ion batteries: Their understanding" Chemistry of Materials., 25(7): 1121–1131. (2013).
Taviot-Guého, C., Leroux, F., Goujon, F., Malfreyt, P., Mahiou, R., E. Constant, P. Martin et H. Bachau, UVX "Étude du mécanisme d’échange et de la structure des matériaux hydroxydes doubles lamellaires (HDL) par diffraction et diffusion des rayons X" Paper presented at the UVX 2012 - 11e Colloque sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV et X ; Applications et Développements Récents, Biarritz, France, 12-15 juin 2012. E. Constant, P. Martin et H. Bachau, art.n° 01016. (2013).
Prigent, P., Hollander, P., Labat, M., Couprie, M.E., Marlats, J.L., Laulhé, C., Luning, J., Moreno, T., Morin, P., Nadji, A., Polack, F., Ravy, S., Silly, M.G., Sirotti, F., "Progress on the Femto-Slicing Project at the Synchrotron SOLEIL" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 072022. (2013).
Bordessoule, M., Bucaille, T., Elkaim, E., Sitaud, B. "PMT electronics for high-resolution powder diffraction of CRISTAL and MARS beamlines" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 132016. (2013).
Haag, S.T., Richard, M.I., Favre-Nicollin, V., Welzel, U., Jeurgens, L.P.H., Ravy, S., Richter, G., Mittemeijer, E.J., Thomas, O. "In situ coherent X-ray diffraction of isolated core-shell nanowires" Thin Solid Films., 530: 113-119. (2013).
Sibille, R., Mazet, T., Elkaim, E., Malaman, B., François, M. "Synthesis, Ab Initio X-ray Powder Diffraction Crystal Structure, and Magnetic Properties of Mn3(OH)2(C6H2O4S)2 Metal–Organic Framework" Inorganic Chemistry., 52(2): 608–616. (2013).
Ponchut, C., Ruat, M. "Energy calibration of a CdTe X-ray pixel sensor hybridized to a Timepix chip" Journal of Instrumentation., 8: art.n° C01005. (2013).
Itié, J.P., Baudelet, F., Briois, V., Elkaim, E., Nadji, A., Thiaudiere, D., Philippe Goudeau, René Guinebretière "Synchrotron Radiation: Instrumentation in Condensed Matter" In X-Rays and Materials: 1-47: Wiley, 2012. ISBN: 9781848213425
Bernu, S., Fertey, P., Itié, J.P., Berger, H., Foury-Leylekian, P., Pouget, J.P. "Vanishing of the metal-insulator Peierls transition in pressurized BaVS3" Physical Review B., 86(23): art.n° 235105. (2012).