Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
Makarova, O.L., Bourgeois, J., Poienar, M., Mirebeau, I., Kichanov, S.E., André, G., Elkaim, E., Hanfland, M., Hervieu, M., Maignan, A., Haines, J., Rouquette, J., Martin, C., Damay, F. "Pressure effect on the magnetic order of LuFe2O4" Applied Physics Letters., 103(8): art.n° 082907. (2013).
Walus, S., Barchasz, C., Colin, J.F., Martin, J.F., Elkaim, E., Leprêtre, M., Alloin, F. "New insight into the working mechanism of lithium–sulfur batteries: in situ and operando X-ray diffraction characterization" Chemical Communications., 49(72): 7899-7901. (2013).
Cunha, D., Ben Yahia, M., Hall, S.A., Miller, S.R., Chevreau, H., Elkaim, E., Maurin, G., Horcajada, P., Serre, C. "Rationale of the drug encapsulation and release from bio-compatible porous Metal-Organic Frameworks" Chemistry of Materials., 25(14): 2767–2776. (2013).
Fertey, P., Alle, P., Wenger, E., Dinkespiler, B., Cambon, O., Haines, J., Hustache, S., Medjoubi, K., Picca, F., Dawiec, A., Breugnon, P., Delpierre, P., Mazzoli, C., Lecomte, C., "Diffraction studies under in situ electric field using a large-area hybrid pixel XPAD detector" Journal of Applied Crystallography., 46(4): 1151-1161. (2013).
Laulhé, C., Cammarata, M., Servol, M., Dwayne Miller, R.J., Hada, M., Ravy, S. "Impact of laser on bismuth thin-films" European Physical Journal.-Special Topics., 222(5): 1277-1285. (2013).
Birsa Celic, T., Mazaj, M., Guillou, N., Elkaim, E., El-Roz, M., Thibault-Starzyk, F., Mali, G., Rangus, M., Cendak, T., Kaucic, V., Zabukovec Logar, N. "Study of Hydrothermal Stability and Water Sorption Characteristics of 3-Dimensional Zn-Based Trimesate" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 117(28): 14608–14617. (2013).
Hervieu, M., Damay, F., Poienar, M., Elkaïm, E., Rouquette, J., Abakumov, A.M., Van Tendeloo, G., Maignan, A., Martin, C. "Nanostructures in LuFe2O4+d" Solid State Science., 23: 26-34. (2013).
Gautier, R., Gautier, R., Hernandez, O., Audebrand, N., Bataille, T., Roiland, C., Elkaim, E., Le Pollès, L., Furet, E., Le Fur, E. "DFT-assisted structure determination of a1- and a2-VOPO4: new insights into the understanding of the catalytic performances of vanadium phosphates" Dalton Transactions., 42(22): 8124-8131. (2013).
Samain, L., Grandjean, F., Long, G.J., Martinetto, P., Bordet, P., Strivay, D. "Relationship between the Synthesis of Prussian Blue Pigments, their Color, Physical Properties, and their Behavior in Paint Layers" Journal of Physical Chemistry C., 117(19): 9693–9712. (2013).
Chaia, N., François, M., Mathieu, S., Elkaim, E., Rouillard, F., Vilasi, M. "Oxidation and crystallographic features of the new prototype structure Ti4NiSi4" Intermetallics., 40: 1-9. (2013).