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E.g., 07/03/2025
Santos-Cottin, D., Casula, M., Lantz, G., Klein, Y., Petaccia, L., Le Fèvre, P., Bertran, F., Papalazarou, E., Marsi, M., Gauzzi, A. "Rashba coupling amplification by a staggered crystal field" Nature Communications., 7: art.n° 11258. (2016).
Andrieu, S., Neggache, A., Hauet, T., Devolder, T., Hallal,A., Chshiev, M., Bataille, A.M., Le Fèvre, P., Bertran, F. "Direct evidence for minority spin gap in the Co2MnSi Heusler compound" Physical Review B., 93(9): art.n° 094417. (2016).
Celis, A., Nair, M.N., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Conrad, E.H., Berger, C., De Heer, W., Tejeda, A. "Graphene nanoribbons: fabrication, properties and devices" Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics., 49(14): art.n° 143001. (2016).
Rödel, T.C., Fortuna, F., Sengupta, S., Frantzeskakis, E., Le Fèvre, P., Bertran, F., Mercey, B., Matzen, S., Agnus, G., Maroutian, T., Lecoeur, P., Santander-Syro, A. F. "Universal Fabrication of 2D Electron Systems in Functional Oxides" Advanced Materials., 28(10): 1976–1980. (2016).
Rojas-Sánchez, J.C., Oyarzún, S., Fu, Y., Marty, A., Vergnaud, C. Gambarelli, S., Vila, L., Jamet, M., Ohtsubo, Y., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Le Fevre, P., Bertran, F., Reyren, N., George, J.M., Fert, A. "Spin to Charge Conversion at Room Temperature by Spin Pumping into a New Type of Topological Insulator: α-Sn Films" Physical Review Letters., 116(9): art.n° 096602. (2016).
Brouet, V., LeBoeuf, D., Lin, P.H., Mansart, J., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Le Fevre, P., Bertran, F., Forget, A., Colson, D. "ARPES view of orbitally resolved quasiparticle lifetimes in iron pnictides" Physical Review B., 93(8): art.n° 085137. (2016).
Vasseur, G., Fagot-Revurat, Y., Sicot, M., Kierren, B., Moreau, L., Malterre, D., Cardenas, L., Galeotti, G., Lipton-Duffin, J., Rosei, F., Di Giovannantonio, M., Contini, G., Le Fèvre, P., Bertran, F., Liang, L., Meunier, V., Perepichka, D.F. "Quasi one-dimensional band dispersion and surface metallization in long-range ordered polymeric wires" Nature Communications., 7: art.n° 10235. (2016).
Coy-Diaz, H., Bertran, F., Chen, C., Avila, J., Rault, J., Le Fevre, P., Asensio, M.C., Batzill, M. "Band renormalization and spin polarization of MoS2 in graphene/MoS2 heterostructures" Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters., 9(12): 701–706. (2015).
Ohtsubo, Y., Kishi, J.I., Hagiwara, K., Le Fèvre, P., Bertran, F., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Yamane, H., Ideta, S.I., Matsunami, M., Tanaka, K., Kimura, S.I. "Surface Tomonaga-Luttinger-Liquid State on Bi/InSb(001)" Physical Review Letters., 115(25): art.n° 256404. (2015).
Joucken, F., Tison, Y., Le Fèvre, P., Tejeda, A., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Conrad, E., Repain, V., Chacon, C., Bellec, A., Girard, Y., Rousset, S., Ghijsen, J., Sporken, R., Amara, H., Ducastelle, F., Lagoute, J. "Charge transfer and electronic doping in nitrogen-doped graphene" Scientific Reports., 5: art.n° 14564. (2015).