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Brouet, V., Nicolaou, A., Zacchigna, M., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Le Fevre, P., Bertran, F. "Measuring Fermi velocities with ARPES in narrow band systems. The case of layered cobaltates" Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena., 185(5-7): 146-151. (2012).
Hajlaoui, M., Papalazarou, E., Mauchain, J., Lantz, G., Moisan, N., Boschetto, D., Jiang, Z., Miotkowski, I., Chen, Y.P., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Perfetti, L., Marsi, M. "Ultrafast surface carrier dynamics in the topological insulator Bi2Te3" Nano Letters., 12(7): 3532–3536. (2012).
Papalarazou, E., Faure, J., Mauchain, J., Marsi, M., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Reshetnyak, I., van Roekeghem, A., Timrov, I., Vast, N., Arnaud, B., Perfetti, L. "Coherent Phonon Coupling to Individual Bloch States in Photoexcited Bismuth" Physical Review Letters., 108(25): art.n° 256808. (2012).
Nair, M.N., Cranney, M., Vonau, F., Aubel, D., Le Fevre, P., Tejeda, A., Bertran, F., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Simon, L. "High van Hove singularity extension and Fermi velocity increase in epitaxial graphene functionalized by intercalated gold clusters" Physical Review B., 85(24): art.n° 245421. (2012).
Flammini, R., Wiame, F., Belkhou, R., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Moras, P. "Thermal stability of the Co/ß–Si3N4/Si(111) interface: A photoemission study" Surface Science., 606(15-16): 1215-1220. (2012).
Bonell, F., Hauet, T., Andrieu, S., Bertran, F., Le Fèvre, P., Calmels, L., Tejeda, A., Montaigne, F., Warot-Fonrose, B., Belhadji, B., Nicolaou, A., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A. "Spin-Polarized Electron Tunneling in bcc FeCo/MgO/FeCo(001) Magnetic Tunnel Junctions" Physical Review Letters., 108(17): art.n° 176602. (2012).
Wang, F., Shepperd, K., Hicks, J., Nevius, M.S., Tinkey, H., Tejeda, A., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Bertran, F., Le Fevre, P., Torrance, D.B., First, P.N., de Heer, W.A., Zakharov, A.A., Conrad, E.H. "Silicon intercalation into the graphene-SiC interface" Physical Review B., 85(16): art.n° 165449. (2012).
Scanlon, D.O., King, P.D.C., Singh, R.P., de la Torre, A., McKeown Walker, S., Balakrishnan, G., Baumberger, F., Catlow, C.R.A. "Controlling Bulk Conductivity in Topological Insulators: Key Role of Anti-Site Defects" Advanced Materials., 24(16): 2154–2158. (2012).
Faure, J., Mauchain, J., Papalazarou, E., Yan, W., Pinon, J., Marsi, M., Perfetti, L. "Full characterization and optimization of a femtosecond ultraviolet laser source for time and angle-resolved photoemission on solid surfaces" Review of Scientific Instruments., 83(4): art.n° 043109. (2012).
Hicks, J., Shepperd, K., Wang, F., Conrad, E.H. "The structure of graphene grown on the SiC $(0\,0\,0\bar{1})$ surface" Journal of Physics D Applied Physics., 45(15): art.n° 154002. (2012).