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Dernière mise à jour : 05/10/2023
E.g., 07/03/2025
E.g., 07/03/2025
Hajlaoui, M., Papalarazou, E., Mauchain, J., Jiang, Z., Miotkowski, I., Chen, Y.P., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Perfetti, L., Marsi, M. "Time resolved ultrafast ARPES for the study of topological insulators: The case of Bi2Te3" European Physical Journal.-Special Topics., 222(5): 1271-1275. (2013).
Yaji, K., Mochizuki, I., Kim, S., Takeichi, Y., Harasawa, A., Ohtsubo, Y., Le Fèvre, P., Bertran, F., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Kakizaki, A., Komori, F. "Fermi gas behavior of a one-dimensional metallic band of Pt-induced nanowires on Ge(001)" Physical Review B., 87(24): art.n° 241413. (2013).
Ndiaye, W., Richter, M.C., Heckmann, O., De Padova, P., Mariot, J.M., Stroppa, A., Picozzi, S., Wang, W., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Le Fevre, P., Bertran, F., Cacho, C., Leandersson, M., Balasubramanian, T., Hricovini, K. "Bulk electronic structure of Mn5Ge3/Ge(111) films by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy" Physical Review B., 87(16): art.n° 165137. (2013).
Brouet, V., Lin, P.H., Texier, Y., Bobroff, J., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Le Fevre, P., Bertran, F., Casula, M. F., Werner, P., Biermann, S., Rullier-Albenque, F., Forget, A., Colson, D. "Large Temperature Dependence of the Number of Carriers in Co-Doped BaFe2As2" Physical Review Letters., 110(16): art.n° 167002. (2013).
Lagarde, B., Sirotti, F., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Miron, C., Polack, F. "On the contribution of gratings with laterally graded groove depths to the design and performances of SOLEIL soft X-ray monochromators" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 425: art.n° 152022. (2013).
Ohtsubo, Y., Perfetti, L., Goerbig, M.O., Le Fevre, P., Bertran, F., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A. "Non-trivial surface-band dispersion on Bi(111)" New Journal of Physics., 15(3): art.n° 033041. (2013).
Wang, W., Mariot, J.M., Richter, M.C., Heckmann, O., Ndiaye, W., De Padova, P., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Le Fèvre, P., Bertran, F., Bondino, F., Magnano, E., Krempaský, J., Blaha, P., Cacho, C., Parmigiani, F., Hricovini, K. "Fe t2g band dispersion and spin polarization in thin films of Fe3O4(0_0_1)/MgO(0_0_1): Half-metallicity of magnetite revisited" Physical Review B., 87(8): art.n° 085118. (2013).
Tejeda, A., Michel, E.G., Mascaraque, A. "The dimensionality reduction at surfaces as a playground for many-body and correlation effects" Journal of Physics Condensed Matter., 25(9): art.n° 090301. (2013).
Fagot-Revurat, Y., Tournier-Colletta, C., Chaput, L., Tejeda, A., Cardenas, L., Kierren, B., Malterre, D., Le Fèvre, P., Bertran, F., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A. "Understanding the insulating nature of alkali-metal/Si(111):B interfaces" Journal of Physics Condensed Matter., 25(9): art.n° 094004. (2013).
Djeghloul, F., Ibrahim, F., Cantoni, M., Bowen, M., Joly, L., Boukari, S., Ohresser, P., Bertran, F., Le Fevre, P., Thakur, P., Scheurer, F., Miyamachi, T., Mattana, R., Seneor, P., Jaafar, A., Rinaldi, C., Javaid, S., Arabski, J., Kappler, J.P., Wulfhekel, W., Brookes, N.B., Bertacco, R., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Alouani, M., Beaurepaire, E., Weber, W. "Direct observation of a highly spin-polarized organic spinterface at room temperature" Scientific Reports., 3: art.n° 1272. (2013).