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Weitkamp, T., Zanette, I., Schulz, G., Bech, M., Rutishauser, S., Lang, S., Donath, T., Tapfer, A., Deyhle, H., Bernard, P., Valade, J.P., Reznikova, E.., Kenntner, J., Mohr, J., Müller, B., Pfeiffer, F., David, C., Baruchel, J., AIP Conference Proceedings "X-ray Grating Interferometry at ESRF: Applications and Recent Technical Developments" Paper presented at the The 10th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy, 15-20/08/2010, Chicago (US). 1365: 28-31. (2011).
Zanette, I., Rutishauser,S., David, C., Weitkamp, T., AIP Conference Proceedings "X-ray Interferometry with Two-Dimensional Gratings" Paper presented at the The 10th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy, 15-20/08/2010, Chicago (US). 1365: 325-328. (2011).
Weitkamp, T., Haas, D., Wegrzynek, D., Rack, A. "ANKAphase: software for single-distance phase retrieval from inline X-ray phase-contrast radiographs" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 18(4): 617-629. (2011).
Rizzi, J., Weitkamp, T., Guérineau, N., Idir, M., Mercère, P., Druart, V., Vincent, G., Da Silva, P., Primot, J. "Quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry in an achromatic and continuously self-imaging regime for future x-ray phase imaging" Optics Letters., 36(8): 1398-1400. (2011).
Diemoz, P.C., Coan, P., Zanette, I., Bravin, A., Lang, S., Glaser, C., Weitkamp, T. "A simplified approach for computed tomography with an X-ray grating interferometer" Optics Express., 19(3): 1691-1698. (2011).
Jensen, T.H., Böttiger, A., Bech, M., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Rutishauser, S., David, C., Reznikova, E., Mohr, J., Christensen, L.B., Olsen, E.V., Feidenhans'l, R., Pfeiffer, F. "X-ray phase-contrast tomography of porcine fat and rind" Meat Science., 88(3): 379-383. (2011).
Zanette, I., Bech, M., Pfeiffer, F., Weitkamp, T. "Interlaced phase stepping in phase-contrast x-ray tomography" Applied Physics Letters., 98(9): art.n° 094101. (2011).
Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Donath, T., Rutishauser, S., David, C. "Two-Dimensional X-Ray Grating Interferometer" Physical Review Letters., 105(24): art.n° 248102. (2010).