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Rutishauser, S., Rack, A., Weitkamp, T., Kayser, Y., David, C., Macrander, A.T. "Heat bump on a monochromator crystal measured with X-ray grating interferometry" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 20(2): 300-305. (2013).
Sztrókay, A., Herzen, J., Auweter, S.D., Liebhardt, S., Mayr, D., Willner, M., Hahn, D., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Hellerhoff, K., Pfeiffer, F., Reiser, M.F., Bamberg, F. "Assessment of grating-based X-ray phase-contrast CT for differentiation of invasive ductal carcinoma and ductal carcinoma in situ in an experimental ex vivo set-up" European Radiology., 23: 381-387. (2013).
Jensen, T.H., Bech, M., Binderup, T., Böttiger, A., David, C., Weitkamp, T., Zanette, I., Reznikova, E., Mohr, J., Rank, F., Feidenhans’l, R., Kjær, A., Højgaard, L., Pfeiffer, F. "Imaging of Metastatic Lymph Nodes by X-ray Phase-Contrast Micro-Tomography" PLoS One., 8(1): art.n° e54047. (2013).
Schulz, G., Waschkies, C., Pfeiffer, F., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., David, C., Müller, B. "Multimodal imaging of human cerebellum - merging X-ray phase microtomography, magnetic resonance microscopy and histology" Scientific Reports., 2: art.n° 826. (2012).
Lang, S., Muller, B., Dominietto, M.., Cattin, P.C., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Hieber, S.E. "Three-dimensional quantification of capillary networks in healthy and cancerous tissues of two mice" Microvascular Research., 84(3): 314-322. (2012).
Zanette, I., Bech, M., Rack, A., Le Duc, G., Tafforeau, P., David, C., Mohr, J., Pfeiffer, F., Weitkamp, T. "Trimodal low-dose X-ray tomography" PNAS., 109(26): 10199 -10204. (2012).
Rack, A., Assoufid, L., Dietsch, R., Weitkamp, T., Bauer Trabelsi, E., Rack, T., Siewert, F., Kramer, M., Holz, T., Zanette, I., Le, W.K., Cloetens, P., Ziegler, E. "Study of multilayer-reflected beam profiles and their coherence properties using beamlines ID19 (ESRF) and 32-ID (APS)" Paper presented at the X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis - Proceedings of the 21st International Congress, 5–9 September 2011, Campinas, Brazil. 1437: 15-17. (2012).
Potdevin, G., Malecki, A., Biernath, T., Bech, M., Jensen, T.H., Feidenhans'l, R., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Kenntner, J., Mohr, J., Roschger, P., Kerschnitzki, M., Wagermaier, W., Klaushofer, K., Fratzl, P., Pfeiffer, F. "X-ray vector radiography for bone micro-architecture diagnostics" Physics in Medicine and Biology., 57(11): 3451-3461. (2012).
Hahn, D., Thibault, P., Bech, M., Stockmar, M., Schleede,S., Zanette, I., Rack, A., Weitkamp, T., Sztrókay, A., Schlossbauer, T., Bamberg, F., Reiser, M., Pfeiffer, F. "Numerical comparison of X-ray differential phase contrast and attenuation contrast" Biomedical Optics Express., 3(6): 1141-1148. (2012).
Müller, B., Schulz, G., Mehlin, A., Herzen, J., Lang, S., Holme, M., Zanette, I., Hieber, S., Deyhle, H., Beckmann, F., Pfeiffer, F, Weitkamp, T., Atsushi Momose, Wataru Yashiro "Grating-based tomography of human tissues" Paper presented at the International Workshop on X-ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings. Atsushi Momose, Wataru Yashiro, 1466: 107-112. (2012).