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Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Le Duc, G., Pfeiffer, F "X-ray grating-based phase tomography for 3D histology" RSC Advances., 3(43): 19816-19819. (2013).
Rutishauser, S., Bednarzik, M., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Börner, M., Mohr, J., David, C. "Fabrication of two-dimensional hard X-ray diffraction gratings" Microelectronic Engineering., 101: 12-16. (2013).
Linsmeier, C., & al. "Advanced materials characterization and modeling using synchrotron, neutron, TEM, and novel micro-mechanical techniques — A European effort to accelerate fusion materials development" Journal of Nuclear Materials., 442(1–3, Supp.1): S834-S845. (2013).
Rieth, M. & al. "A brief summary of the progress on the EFDA tungsten materials program" Journal of Nuclear Materials., 442(1–3, Supp.1): S173–S180. (2013).
Saam, T., Herzen, J., Hetterich, H., Fill, S., Willner, M., Stockmar, M., Achterhold, K., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Schüller, U., Auweter, S.D., Adam-Neumair, S., Nikolaou, K., Reiser, M.F., Pfeiffer, F, Bamberg, F. "Translation of Atherosclerotic Plaque Phase-Contrast CT Imaging from Synchrotron Radiation to a Conventional Lab-Based X-Ray Source" PLoS One., 8(9): art.n° e73513. (2013).
Hetterich, H., Fill, S., Herzen, J., Willner, M., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Rack, A., Schüller, U., Sadeghi, M., Brandl, R., Adam-Neumair, S., Reiser, M., Pfeiffer, F., Bamberg, F., Saam, T. "Grating-based X-ray phase-contrast tomography of atherosclerotic plaque at high photon energies" Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik., 23(3): 194-203. (2013).
Noël, P.B., Herzen, J., Fingerle, A.A., Willner, M., Stockmar, M.K., Hahn, D., Settles, M., Drecoll, E., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Rummeny, E.J., Pfeiffer, F "Evaluation of the potential of phase-contrast computed tomography for improved visualization of cancerous human liver tissue" Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik., 23(3): 204-211. (2013).
Rack, A., Weitkamp, T., Assoufid, L., Rack, T., Zanette, I., Morawe, C., Kluender, R.L, David, C. "Protocol to study wavefront preservation capabilities of reflective X-ray optics with coherent synchrotron light" Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., 710: 101-105. (2013).
Tapfer, A., Braren, R., Bech, M., Willner, M., Zanette, I., Weitkamp, T., Trajkovic-Arsic, M., Siveke, J.T., Settles, M., Aichler, M., Walch, A., Pfeiffer, F "X-Ray Phase-Contrast CT of a Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Mouse Model" PLoS One., 8(3): art.n° e58439. (2013).
Willner, M., Bech, M., Herzen, J., Zanette, I., Hahn, D., Kenntner, J., Mohr, J., Rack, A., Weitkamp, T., Pfeiffer, F "Quantitative X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography at 82 keV" Optics Express., 21(4): 4155-4166. (2013).